Lab Technician (UT)

2022 Fall

Kaitlyn Worsley

Internship Description

Industry: Biotechnology

Company: ICON PLC

Location: Salt Lake City , Utah

Semester: 2022 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Summary: Working as a lab tech at Icon, my role involved collaborating with various pharmaceutical companies to conduct multi-phase tests for developing new drugs. Volunteers would come in to test these drugs, and it was our responsibility to ensure their safety and adhere to the study protocols. This included reading and understanding the protocols, processing and logging samples, and shipping them while strictly following guidelines.

2022 Spring

Archarlie Chou

Internship Description

Industry: Biomedical

Company: Idaho Molecular

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Summary: In my role as a PCR run technician, I analyze PCR curves extensively on a daily basis. These curves provide valuable information about the amplification efficiency and specificity of the reactions. I look for indicators like fluorescent amplification at specific cycles to determine the success of the PCR process. Different substances and conditions can yield distinct curves, and it is essential to understand their characteristics.

Kate Thomas

Internship Description

Industry: Labratory Research and Development

Company: ARUP LAbratories

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: School Resources

Summary: My main responsibility was preparing patient specimens for medical diagnosis. I worked with various samples such as cerebral spinal fluid, urine, stool, blood, tissue, and bone. Additionally, I assisted in antibiotic testing to determine the most effective antibiotic for each patient. It was fascinating to learn about the biotechnology utilized in our lab, including the use of a robot for plating. Some common tests we conducted involved detecting bacterial meningitis, Strep throat, bacterial sepsis, urinary tract infections, and MRSA. We received specimens from patients across the United States.

Machella Doll

Internship Description

Industry: Pharmacuetical

Company: Nelson Labs

Location: Taylorsville, Utah

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Linked In

Summary: In my role, we conduct cleanroom testing, which is essential for medical devices, pharmaceuticals, tissue materials, and other products claiming to be sterile or free from viable microorganisms. This testing is crucial to ensure their sterility and approval for use in hospitals and other medical settings. My contribution to the company involves assisting the analysts in performing the cleanroom testing. After testing, we incubate the samples and check for any growth or positive results around the seventh and fourteenth days. If we detect any positive results, we immediately inform the sponsors, advising them not to release the medical device to the market or use it in a hospital setting.

2021 Spring

Jacob McDaniel

Internship Description

Industry: Labratory Research and Development

Company: ARUP Labratories

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Summary: During my internship at RUP Laboratories, a diagnostic testing facility associated with the University of Utah, I worked as a technician in the microbial immunology department. My role involved performing antibody tests for COVID-19 and tuberculosis using various machines and assays.

2021 Winter

Colin Kemberling

Internship Description

Industry: Neuroscience/Physiology

Company: Physiology and Developmental Biology Department at BYU Provo

Location: Provo, Utah

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Faculty Member

Summary: Under the supervision of Dr. Jeff Edwards, who specializes in synaptic plasticity, I'm working with a graduate student investigating the effects of the ketogenic diet on mitochondrial bioenergetics and memory formation. My tasks include optimizing diets for mice, collecting blood samples, conducting behavioral tests, and performing immunohistochemistry projects such as transcranial perfusions, cryostat and vibratome operations, brain slice staining, and confocal microscopy. I also had the opportunity to train students, assist in protocol development, and update procedures.

Megan Blackham

Internship Description

Industry: Medicine

Company: ARUP Laboratories

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: Instructor

Summary:  I secured an internship at ARUP, a non-profit medical lab located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is an exceptional place to work, offering competitive pay and excellent growth opportunities. As a microbiology student, I had the opportunity to work in the immunology department, although they have numerous other labs specializing in various fields.

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