Clinical ( ID)

2023 Winter

Hannah Elliott

Internship Description

Industry: Family Crisis Center

Company: Family Crisis Cemter

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2023 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


The center helps those that are victims of Domestic violence, stalking, an sexual assault. YOu deal with confidential information.

Payden Kent

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Rexburg Pediatrics

Location: Rexburg Idaho

Semester: 2023 Winter

Paid/unpaid: unknown


As far as contributions, I was able to assist in the upkeep of the stock room, assisting TA providers in whatever capacity needed during procedures, e.g. grabbing tools are wraps during smaller and office procedures, going in and observing how the provider treated the illness are performed while checks, seeing their bedside manner and their daily positive demeanor as well as seeing them go through differential diagnosis, asking questions and having them test me outside the patient's room to see how I would have diagnosed and treated the patient based on my current education and instruction was really beneficial.

Hunter Laudert

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Sterling Urgent Care

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2023 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unpaid

Found: Networking


My contribution to the team for my internship was that I was hired and trained and caught up to speed to be a medical assistant. My job is to evaluate patients before they see the physician. I'm part of a team that works together to provide quality health care to individuals. And we do that through learning, through constructive criticism and through positive feedback, job search advice.

Brittany Barton

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Homestead Assiste Living

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2023 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Linkedin


The homestead is a company that offers independent and assisted living for the residents. Personally, I interned as a caregiver slash med tech. I helped with their daily activities of living, passing medications, and just provide a companionship to the residents.

Britain Butler

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Pediatrix

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2023 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: Online


I helped screen Newborns with hearing. We would hook them up to machines that would output sounds and we would record the newborns reaction.

2022 Fall

Kayla Samford 

Internship Description

Industry: Civic and Social Services

Company: The Homestead

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unpaid


During my internship, I worked as a caregiver, utilizing my CNA license to perform various CNA duties. I had the opportunity to collaborate closely with the nurses, particularly in medication-related aspects, and also worked alongside the administrators on care plans. This allowed me to gain valuable insights from both a nursing and CNA perspective.

Ty Bird

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare and Social Assitance

Company: Madison Ridge Chiropractic Clinic

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Fall

Paid/unpaid: unknown

Found: Emails


During my time at the clinic, my primary responsibility was escorting patients to their rooms once they checked in. I would update their files, providing the chiropractors with relevant information about the patients and their conditions. Afterward, the chiropractors would engage in discussions with the patients, followed by ultrasound treatments for injuries and the use of massage guns on specific areas of discomfort. Additionally, I assisted with various tasks around the office, such as adhering to a cleaning and chore chart, answering phones, and attending to any patient needs that arose. As office assistants, our main focus was ensuring patient satisfaction and completing assigned duties.

Landon Hatch

Internship Description

Industry: Heathcare

Company: EIRMC

Location:Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


As a medical scribe, my main role is to follow an assigned position during each shift. I go into patient rooms alongside the position to assist with new cases and meticulously document everything that happens. When I return, I create the patient's chart using the notes I've taken. Throughout the course of their care, I continuously update and add information to the chart as needed. This experience has allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the medical process and how patient charts are structured. Additionally, I've had the opportunity to establish strong relationships with the physicians, which has been really rewarding.

Becki Merrill


Internship Description

Industry: Optometric

Company: Idaho Vision Development Center

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


During my internship, one of my responsibilities was to train new therapists and help them understand the various diagnoses they would be working with. I assisted them in learning how to best help the patients through their therapy programs. Additionally, I collaborated with certified vision therapists to introduce new programs and activities into the office. I had the opportunity to apply these programs and activities to benefit the patients directly.

2022 Summer

Nathan Lowry

Internship Description

Industry: Dentistry

Company: Apple Tree Dental

Location:  Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Summer

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Deseret Industries


At Apple Tree Dental, their focus revolves around various dental procedures, such as filling sealants and performing root canals. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of helping people gain confidence in their smiles and take proper care of their dental health. This aspect resonated deeply with me, and it's something I took away from the experience. Moreover, I had the opportunity to obtain my certified dental assisting certificate, which has opened numerous doors for me and provided a clearer understanding of what I can achieve and contribute to become an excellent dentist. It's not about being cocky; rather, I feel genuinely confident in my abilities thanks to the guidance a

John Edge

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Summer

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


As a medical scribe, I assisted the emergency medicine providers, including doctors, physician assistants (PAs), and nurse practitioners. My main responsibility was to integrate patient information into charts that could be sent to medical coding for reimbursement purposes. By taking on this workload, I helped the doctors see more patients efficiently.

2022 Spring

Brianna Bartholomew

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare and Hospitals

Company: Madison Memorial Hospital

Location:  Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


I worked in the ER department. Due to the policies in place, interns, volunteers, and shadows were not allowed direct patient contact. Instead, I focused on tasks such as restocking rooms, ensuring cleanliness, and facilitating effective communication among the staff. Additionally, I had the chance to assist at the front desk, volunteer desk, and even in the hospital's marketing department. This experience provided me with a holistic understanding of how the entire hospital operates and the crucial role communication plays in its functioning.

Benji Pack

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare Software

Company: Epic

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Byui Scribe Course


As a scribe, my role was to provide detailed charts that enabled physicians to provide better patient care. It was crucial to accurately document each patient's care and ensure the charts met the necessary level of detail for correct billing. Additionally, I assisted in keeping physicians updated on patient needs, interviewing workups, detailed sintering, and relaying nursing staff requirements to facilitate patient care.

Ellie Stegelmeier

Internship Description

Industry: Veterinary Services

Company: Victor Veterinary Hospital

Location: Victor, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Spring

Paid/unpaid: unknown

Found: Community


During my internship, Dr. Anderson taught me a lot. Firstly, she taught me how to maintain the sanitation levels at her clinic, which is crucial for ensuring the health and safety of the animals and staff. She also taught me how to properly restrain animals for exams and medical procedures. For example, she showed me how to hold animals during procedures like warming up a cold animal by placing it in a warm towel. She also emphasized the importance of effective communication between the veterinarian and the owners of the patients.

2022 Winter

Ethan Tall

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare/Physical therapy

Company: Pick PT

Location:Ridgby, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


 During my internship, I worked primarily with patients suffering from back and neck pain, sports injuries, and those in need of orthopedic physical therapy. Surprisingly, there was also a significant number of patients seeking vestibular rehabilitation. It was fascinating to witness the diverse range of cases and conditions.

Scott Merritt

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Scribe America

Location:Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Winter



The electronic medical record system we use is called Meditech. We fill out different sections, including the HPI (History of Present Illness). This section requires you to document what brings the patient into the emergency department, their associated symptoms, when it started, and any relevant information. The physical exam portion will be dictated to you by the providers.

Matthew Johnson

Internship Description

Industry: Physical Therapy

Company: Wright Physical Therapy

Location: Rigby, Idaho

Semester: 2022 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


During my internship, I assisted in various ways, including helping patients with their prescribed exercise plans and preparing treatment tables. I also had the opportunity to shadow the physical therapists during evaluations with new patients. If I were to give any recommendations for securing an internship like this, I would emphasize the power of networking. Networking played a significant role in finding this opportunity quickly. Joining academic societies like the Pre-PT/OT Society on campus can provide access to a vast network of people who can share information about different opportunities in the community. Additionally, participating in such societies can enhance your resume, even if you have limited experience in the field. I found the career centers and their interview preparation resources extremely helpful, including video series that we watched together as a society to prepare for challenging questions.

2021 Fall

Emily Livingston

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Mountain View Hospital Cadriopulmonary Rehabilitation Unit

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


One of my main tasks was to take my patients' blood pressure using a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff, both visible in the image below. I would measure their blood pressure before and after exercise to ensure it remained within healthy parameters. Additionally, if any of my patients had lung issues, I would connect them to oxygen tanks during their workouts to ensure they were breathing properly. To monitor my patients, we utilized a Bluetooth system. In the bottom image, you can see my hand connected to a pulse oximeter, which transmitted information via Bluetooth directly to the computer screen behind me. For heart and lung patients, we connected them to pulse oximeters, and for heart patients, we also utilized three-lead ECGs, with the information being safely monitored on the computer screen.

Chris Heywood

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Madison Ridge Chiropractic

Location:Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Handshake


During my internship, I served as a chiropractic assistant, working closely under a doctor's supervision. My responsibilities included escorting patients to the examination area and conducting interviews to understand their symptoms, areas of pain, and the nature of their discomfort. I would then communicate this information to the doctor, and together, we would determine the appropriate treatment plan. In certain cases, I would perform tasks such as ultrasound therapy or provide massages to alleviate muscle tension before the doctor performed the adjustment.

Chase Cluff

Internship Description

Industry: Aquarims, zoos and botanical gardens

Company: Aquarium of Boise

Location: Boise, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


During my internship, I had various responsibilities at the aquarium. One of my main tasks was the daily feeding of over 30 saltwater and freshwater tanks. Additionally, I performed weekly water changes on these tanks, ensuring the appropriate salinity and temperature levels were maintained for the well-being of the animals. I also oversaw the cultivation of brine shrimp used as food and conducted regular water quality tests to ensure optimal conditions for our aquatic inhabitants.

AJ Jones

Internship Description

Industry: Rigby Family Medicine

Company: Rigby Family Medicine

Location: Meridian, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Campus Societies


As an MA, my main contribution was to assist the doctor in various ways. This included conducting intake and screening processes for patients before their appointments, such as taking vitals, performing preliminary diagnostic procedures like urinalysis or A1C tests, as well as drawing blood and handling the necessary paperwork for patient care.

Josh Barker

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Scribe America

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall 

Paid/unpaid: Paid


The mission of Scribe America is to train individuals to become medical scribes and then place them in various medical facilities such as hospitals and doctor's offices. I found this opportunity by attending the internship fairs on campus and searching on platforms like Indeed. Since I wanted to become a medical scribe, I was able to find a position with Scribe America.

Joshua Burger

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Biologi Q

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Vmock


During my time at Biologic, I worked as a test technician, supporting both the research and development team and the quality assurance team. In the research and development department, my responsibilities included conducting tests on the resins, as shown in the image above, as well as other manufactured items such as blown films and test bars. The data collected from these tests was crucial in providing information to interested customers regarding the products under development. In the quality assurance department, I primarily focused on ensuring that the resins met industry standards, making them suitable for our customers' use in their own products.

Joshua Hoskinson

Internship Description

Industry: Dental

Company: Family Dental Health Care Center

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


As a dental assistant, my responsibilities included assisting in various procedures, examinations, and surgeries. I worked on tasks like root canals, tooth extractions, and cavity fillings. Additionally, I prepared and cleaned procedure rooms, ensuring their sterilization, and interacted with patients to make them feel comfortable and calm throughout their dental treatments.

2021 Summer

Terrin Griffeth

Internship Description

Industry: physical therapy services

Company: Rehab Authority

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Summer

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Networking


During my internship, I had the opportunity to contribute to various projects and tasks. These included assisting patients with exercises, setting up electrostimulation units, applying heat and ice packs, performing ultrasound treatments, cleaning equipment, and managing the hydrocollator, among other responsibilities. One of the electrostimulation units I worked with is shown in the top left image. It had multiple functions, including ultrasound therapy and light pads, which helped alleviate pain and aid in the healing process. The top right image showcases the hydrocollator, which kept heat packs warm and ready for patients to use.

Britton Swisher 

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Scribe America

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Summer

Paid/unpaid: Paid


During my internship, I worked as a medical scribe in the emergency room here in Idaho Falls. I had the opportunity to collaborate with various emergency providers and train other scribes. My responsibilities included reviewing documents, charting, and participating in the education of scribes to help them improve their skills. I had the privilege of shadowing physicians from room to room, observing the entire process from admission to discharge, including procedures, labs, imaging, and differential diagnoses.

2021 Spring

Jana Ward

Internship Description

Industry: Optometric

Company: Lens Crafters

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: LensCrafters


During my time there, my responsibilities included assisting patients with their eyewear needs, such as fitting them with contacts, locating their glasses, and performing adjustments and repairs.

Igbineweka Elgohosa

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Complete Family Care

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


As a medical assistant, you play a crucial role in supporting the nurses and staff at the clinic. Your phlebotomy certification allows you to draw blood, administer shots, and run tests, which are essential tasks in patient care. Additionally, checking patients in and recording their vitals contribute to maintaining accurate medical records and ensuring a smooth workflow.

J Hollist

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Scribe America

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Paid


As a medical scribe, I became well-versed in understanding and documenting the proper billing criteria to ensure that the doctors received appropriate payment for the treatments they provided. Additionally, I was involved in EKG interpretations and assisted in documenting radiology reports sent to the doctors. I thoroughly enjoyed this job, despite the occasional hectic nature of the emergency room. It was an exciting experience where I learned a lot.

Mallory McLing

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Pain and Spine Specialitst

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

During my ten-week internship at the Pain and Spine Specialists, I had the chance to shadow various departments and professionals. This allowed me to observe and learn about proper patient care while shadowing doctors, CRNAs (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists), and PAs (Physician Assistants). I assisted with tasks such as preparing procedure rooms, updating patient files, and offering support wherever needed. I also had the privilege of observing procedures like radio-frequency oblations (nerve burning), pain pump trials, and stimulator implants, gaining valuable insight into the treatment processes.

Michael Eliason

Internship Description

Industry: Medical

Company: Root Cause Integrative Medicine

Location: Ammon, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring 

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: School Email


I recently completed my internship at Root Cause Integrative Medicine, a functional medicine clinic in Ammon, Idaho. During my internship, I worked as a medical assistant alongside the medical providers, assisting them with note-taking and documentation. As a medical assistant, I also performed behind-the-scenes tasks to prepare patients and provide post-appointment care. I found this internship opportunity through a school email, but it's worth reaching out to various places as many are open to adding scribes and interns to their team. Although being a medical assistant is hard work, it is also rewarding.

Nathaniel Pontius

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Madison Memorial Hospital

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


our primary focus was on rehabilitating individuals who had experienced a loss of joint or limb function. Our goal was to help them regain proper functionality. Although I didn't directly engage in hands-on patient therapy due to HIPAA regulations, I provided assistance in other ways. This involved tasks such as offering hot and cold packs, aiding in the movement of bedridden patients, and assisting doctors with equipment retrieval, cleaning, and repositioning as needed. I also had the opportunity to observe wound care procedures on patients with post-surgical or injury-related wounds. Additionally, I contributed to hypnotherapy sessions for children, which utilized therapy on horseback to help improve their muscle coordination. Alongside these responsibilities, I undertook various other tasks throughout my internship.

Rylli Burton

Internship Description

Industry: University

Company: BSU

Location: Boise, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Networking


Now, let's dive into my project. I focused on purifying substitutes for a particular reaction involved in quorum sensing among gram-negative bacteria. Specifically, I worked with a molecule called Sapien lactose or AHL, which serves as a signaling molecule. I purified the protein associated with this reaction and also conducted cargo loading experiments by adding an ACL chain to the protein. Additionally, I assisted in purifying the AHL synthase, which is the enzyme responsible for generating the signaling molecule.

Alex Jolley

Internship Description

Industry: University

Company: University of Idaho

Location: Moscow, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


My responsibilities involved conducting experimental evolution studies between the phages and their host bacteria, with a particular emphasis on understanding how the host develops resistance to infection. Our ultimate goal was to gather valuable data to develop phage therapy treatments as an alternative to combat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Additionally, we aimed to provide alternatives to antibiotics within the food industry.

Ashton Ferguson

Internship Description

Industry: Dental

Company: Dansie Hepworth Dental

Location: Rigby Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Through Locals


I secured an internship at Dazzling Dental, a dental clinic owned by Dr. Ben, Nancy, and Dr. Singh. Their mission is to provide excellent quality dentistry with a personal touch, creating a family-friendly environment and giving clients the smiles they've been waiting for. During my internship, I assisted with billing, took x-rays for clients, and helped assess their dental needs, whether it was fillings, implants, or root canals. Additionally, I assisted in organizing documents, collecting tools for appointments, and restocking supplies.

Landry Villa

Internship Description

Industry: Idividual and Family Services

Company: H.A.S. Incorporated

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Byu-i Newsletter


Many of the clients I interacted with had disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, depression, autism, and Down syndrome. Considering the nature of this line of work, I had to become first aid certified, CPR certified, and certified to administer medications before starting my internship. Each day, I provided direct care to the clients, assisting them with daily tasks like toileting, bathing, meal planning, budgeting, managing behaviors, and transportation. I learned to use a program to document these activities, administer medications, and record patients' sleep patterns.

2021 Winter

Everett Scaiffe

Internship Description

Industry: Medical

Company: Regional

Location: Idaho falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Paid


For my internship, I had the opportunity to intern at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, serving Eastern Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. My role was as a radiology technician, performing tasks such as taking X-rays of broken fingers or providing live surgical imaging in the operating room. During the pandemic, most of my work involved conducting chest X-rays on COVID-19 patients to assess their lung capacity. I was grateful for this paid internship since I had prior education and became a registered tech.

Conner Perrin

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Madison Ridge Chiropractic

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


Hi, I'm Connor Parent. I did an internship as a chiropractic assistant at Massing Ridge Chiropractic in Rexburg, Idaho. I found the opportunity on Handshake, our school's job platform. At first, I was considering physical therapy, but the internship made me realize my passion for chiropractic. I helped manage the office, brought patients back, and learned how to do ultrasound and massages. It was a great experience that confirmed my career choice. I recommend looking for internships in your area to gain practical knowledge and make informed decisions.

Tyler Patterson

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Simpson DermCar & Family Medicine

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid:  Unknown


During my internship at Dr. Simpson's office, I gained hands-on experience in sterilizing instruments, learning about vaccinations, conducting tests, assisting with medical procedures, scheduling patients, managing payments, and working with insurance companies. This opportunity broadened my understanding of clinical work and the role of medical assistants. I am grateful for the experience and excited for my future in the medical profession.

Judy Tanner

Internship Description

Industry: Physical Therapy

Company: Pick PT Physical Therapy

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unpaid


Hi, I'm Tanner Judy, a senior at BYU-Idaho. I had the opportunity to intern as a physical therapist technician at Peak PT Physical Therapy. During my internship, I had three main responsibilities. Firstly, I assisted patients with their exercises, providing guidance and support when needed, especially for elderly patients or those at risk of falls. Secondly, I helped with general office cleanup and laundry, ensuring everything was sanitized and organized. Lastly, I assisted patients in using heat and electrical stimulation treatments after their exercises, applying electrodes to specific areas for rehabilitation purposes.

Brandon Dennis

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: EyeCare of Rigby

Location: Rigby, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


I recently had an amazing internship opportunity at Eye Care of Rexburg. Their mission is to provide the right prescriptions for glasses or contacts to help patients see their best and promote overall eye health through treatments and medicine. I had the privilege of being involved in various tasks, including patient pretesting, charting, and scribing during exams with the optometrist. It was an incredible learning experience. I also assisted with answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, and dispensing glasses and contacts.

Adam Brand

Internship Description

Industry: Health/ Medicine

Company: Root Cause Integrative Medicine

Location: Ammon, Idaho

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


As a human biology major with a minor in chemistry, I had the opportunity to intern at Root Cause Integrative Medicine. My role as a medical scribe involved note-taking and updating medical records, as well as assisting with procedures and other tasks.

Brandon Jacobson

Internship Description

Industry: Dental

Company: Parkwest Dental Assist to Succeed

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho  

Semester: 2021 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Family Connection

Summary: I had the opportunity to intern at Assist to Succeed at Park West Dental. During my internship, I focused on both the book work and clinical work required to become a certified dental assistant. Additionally, I evaluated the course and provided feedback to my mentor on how we could improve it for future students. I discovered this opportunity through my dad, who is one of the founders of Assist to Succeed.

2020 Fall

Emily Dalton

Internship Description

Industry: Nursing and Rehabilitation

Company: St. Anthony Rehabilitation

Location: St. Anthony Idaho

Semester: 2020 Fall 

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Summary: As  I  was  able  to  complete  my  internship, the  most  important  thing  that my  family  has  taught  me  is  how to  build  relationships  and  how to show  that  I  care  for  others. I  was  able  to  gain relationships  with  the  patients by  keeping  the  facility  clean, especially  during  this  pandemic. I  was  able  to  help  them  in their  exercises  and  being  able  to assist  in  their  person treatment  plans  by  eating, enlight  therapy  and electrical  stimulation  as  some  examples.

Chase Chris

Internship Description

Industry: Health

Company: TBO Dental

Location: St. Anthony, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: BYUI web pages


I  did  a  lot  of  different  kinds  of  fun  things. As  far  as  teeth  cleanings,  dental  implants, denture  molds,  instruments,  sterilization, lab  work,  basically  anything  dental  related?

Hanna Schultess

Internship Description

Industry: Government

Company: Madesen County Fire Department

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Paid


 I  was  able  to  respond  to a  variety  of  calls. Lots  of  medical  emergencies, which  can  be  anything  from  like a  diabetic  emergency  or  a  seizure. They can even be to lots  of  trauma  calls. Trauma  calls are anything  like  serious  injuries like   a  compound  fracture  of  this  tibia. We  also  want  EMS  like  to  do  lots  of  training, like  to  practice  and  prepare  for any  kind  of  call  that  could  come  our  way. And  that  brings  about  a  lot of  learning  and  knowledge.

Gavin Dibb

Internship Description

Industry: Medical

Company: Grifols Biomass

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Fall

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: Local

For  my  internship,  I decided  to  put  two  different  goals. The  first  was  to  become an  effective  trainer  on  the  job. And  the  second  was  to  improve my  bedside  manner. Becoming  an  effective  trainer  was  really important  for  me  because  we  had a  lot  of  trainees  coming  in. 

2020 Summer

Timothy Partlow

Internship Description

Industry: Physical Therapy

Company: Advanced Physical Therapy and Wound Center

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Summer

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Indeed

Summary: I completed an internship at Advanced Physical Therapy and Wound Center in Rexburg. During my time there, I had the opportunity to work closely with patients, performing exercises alongside physical therapist assistants (PTAs) and physical therapists (PTs). Occasionally, I even worked with patients independently, assisting them with braces, prosthetics, and various therapeutic interventions such as ultrasound therapy to reduce inflammation and promote healing, and electrical stimulation to enhance blood flow and aid in muscle recovery. Additionally, I had the chance to shadow wound care procedures and observe the practice of dry needling, a targeted muscle therapy resembling acupuncture. Witnessing the diverse wound care methods provided valuable insights into the healing process for patients.

2020 Spring

Adams Harrison

Internship Description

Industry: Pharmaceuticals

Company: Grifols Pharmaceuticals

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Coworker


During my internship at Grifols, a pharmaceutical company specializing in plasma-based medicine, I served as a designated trainer phlebotomist, teaching individuals how to operate plasma collection systems and perform venipuncture. I also gained experience in treating various reactions and adhering to standard operating procedures and cGMP. Prior to the internship, I already worked as a phlebotomist and learned about the opportunity through networking. Throughout the internship, I asked numerous questions to enhance my learning and gain respect from my colleagues and boss. It was a fast-paced experience, but I made sure to enjoy my personal life by engaging in outdoor activities with my wife. Overall, I had a fulfilling experience and look forward to continuing my career with Grifols.

Evan Morris

Internship Description

Industry: Pharmaceuticals

Company: Grifols Pharmaceuticals

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found:  Career Fair


During my internship at Grifols, a global healthcare company specializing in plasma-based medicines, I worked as a phlebotomist lead at a donation center in Rexburg, Idaho. My responsibilities included overseeing and instructing phlebotomists, updating donor medical records, and ensuring donor safety during plasma donation. I found the internship through networking and attending career fairs, and I tailored my resume to match the internship qualifications. It was important to be on time, meet deadlines, and establish a schedule that accommodated both work and personal commitments. For those needing housing during their internship, I recommend contacting the employer for potential options and reaching out to the university's financial office for assistance. Additionally, participating in social events with coworkers provides valuable learning opportunities and helps build relationships. Overall, the internship at Grifols provided me with valuable experience and growth.

Joshua Ewell

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Scribe America

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


During my internship as a medical scribe with Scribe America, I had the opportunity to work in the emergency department at Remark in Idaho Falls. As a medical scribe, my role was to accompany the doctor into patient rooms and document all the relevant information on the computer as if I were the physician. I also assisted the doctor by adding notes and findings as needed, making their job easier.

Jacob Lake

Internship Description

Industry: Pharmacuetical

Company: Grifols Biomat

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown


During my internship at Grifols Biomed as a phlebotomist, my main responsibility was to perform safe venipunctures and ensure the uninterrupted and safe collection of donations from donors. Additionally, I was responsible for disconnecting donors and delivering their plasma for processing.

Gelata Argo

Internship Description

Industry: Assisted Living

Company: Homestead Assisted Living

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Networking


For my internship I worked at Homestead assited living facility. It was a great opportunity being able to help people who cant help themselves. I made sure they were able to complete there daily and essential tasks.

Justin Pieper

Internship Description

Industry: Health

Company: Dr. Strobel's Dentistry

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: ( List only if stated)


I don't  have  my  licensure dental  hygienists  or  dental  assistant. But  there  was  some  some  things I  can  still  help  out  with  that was  like  putting  on  sealants,  X-rays. I'm  doing  office  work, helping  organize  materials  towards  these  two. I  know  Spanish  so  I  could  translate for  some  patients  when  I  couldn't. 

Daniel Carlson

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare

Company: The Homestead

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: unknown


Here  we  do  anything  that the  residents  physically can't  do  for  themselves.

Caleb Andrew

Internship Discription

Industry: Construction

Company: American Construction Supply and Rental

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: Spring 2020

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: Networking


 I  actually  found  this  internship  to last  year  in  2019  while  I was  working  for  them  as  just a  delivery  driver  doing a  summer  job  to  support  me  and  my  wife, paid  for  writing  different  stuff. So  I  my  responsibilities include  being  an  inside  salesman. So  knowing  a  lot  of  new  different  machines and  products  that  we  sell such  as  power  trials, Concrete  Cutting  saw  blades, rebar  that  have  oil, anything  to  do  with  concrete. 

Anson Nebeker

Internship Description

Industry: Healthcare 

Company: Reed Ward family 

Location: Idaho falls, Idaho

Semester: Spring 2020

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Handshake and Networking

Summary: their  goal  is  to provide  personalized  care  for everyone  in  the  family. My  job  included  checking in  patients  but  getting  their  weight, helping  running  labs,  recording  vitals, and  asking  for  updated  information on  patient  visits.

Adam Harrison

Internship Description

Industry: Medical

Company: Grifols Biomass

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Paid

Found: Local


I  taught  people  how  to  set  up  PCS, two  machines  for  plasmapheresis, perform  Venipuncture, treat  different  reactions including  citrate  and hypotensive  reactions,  performed  disconnects, and  all  while  following  SOPs  and  cGMP, I  trained  for  different  people to  my  three  months  of  internship. 

Adams Harrison

Internship Description

Industry: Medical

Company: Grifols Biomass

Location: Rexburg, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Spring

Paid/unpaid: Paid


For  my  internship,  I decided  to  put  two  different  goals. The  first  was  to  become an  effective  trainer  on  the  job. And  the  second  was  to  improve my  bedside  manner. Becoming  an  effective  trainer  was  really important  for  me  because  we  had a  lot  of  trainees  coming  in. 

2020 Winter

Will Christensen

Internship Description

Industry: Health Care

Company: Idaho Falls Oral and Facial Surgery

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Semester: 2020 Winter

Paid/unpaid: Unknown

Found: Googled Dentist Offices and reached out to them within a 40 min drive from Rexburg.


As  an  intern,  I  assisted  in  surgery, prepared  opera  Tories  and operated  some  medical  equipment. And  when  I  wasn't  doing  any  of  those  things, I  was  shadowing  the  oral  surgeon to  get  this  internship.

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