
I. Introduction

A. Purpose of C3PO

The C3 Program Outcomes (C3PO) initiative is a collaborative approach to engineering academic programs at BYU-Idaho. Building on the success of our Creative Course Collaboration (C3) Labs, C3PO takes a broader view, focusing on program-level vision and outcomes. The primary purpose of C3PO is to empower faculty to collectively shape their academic programs, ensuring alignment with institutional goals, industry needs, and student success.

B. How C3PO builds on C3 Labs

Over the past five years, our C3 Labs have been instrumental in improving individual courses across the university. However, we've observed that the most impactful course improvements occur when there's a clear understanding of program-level goals and outcomes. C3PO addresses this need by providing a structured process for faculty to collaboratively develop program vision, outcomes, and course sequencing before diving into individual course design.

C. The importance of program-level vision and outcomes

A well-defined program vision and clear learning outcomes serve as a north star for all educational efforts within a program. They provide:

  1. Coherence: Ensuring that all courses within a program work together towards common goals.
  2. Relevance: Aligning program outcomes with current industry needs and societal demands.
  3. Assessment clarity: Providing clear benchmarks for measuring program effectiveness and student achievement.
  4. Guidance for resource allocation: Helping identify where to focus efforts and resources for maximum impact.
  5. Motivation and purpose: Inspiring faculty and students with a clear sense of the program's ultimate aims.

By establishing these foundational elements at the program level, C3PO sets the stage for more targeted and effective course-level improvements. This handbook will guide you through the C3PO process, highlighting its value for faculty and programs, and providing best practices for facilitators to ensure productive and inspiring collaborative sessions.

As we embark on this journey of program engineering, remember that our ultimate goal is to enhance the educational experience of our students and prepare them for success in their future endeavors. The collaborative nature of C3PO reflects our commitment to drawing upon the diverse expertise and perspectives of our faculty, creating programs that are greater than the sum of their parts.

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