
MyelinationMyelin sheathtissue
Woman walking on suspension bridge

Picturing the process:

Myelination can be compared to building a bridge. When building a bridge across a canyon, the first step is sending a rope over to the other side. This rope becomes the foundation for the rest of the bridge to be built on. The rope correlates to the first step in myelination; when we learn something new there is a “rope” sent from one neuron to other neurons to create a connection. This connection is what we build off of to make a stronger connection or bridge between two different neurons or sides of the canyon. As we strengthen that connection between the neurons, the knowledge becomes quicker to retrieve. Relating that thought to the bridge, as we put down boards and make them strong, it becomes easier to walk across the canyon. The more details you put into your bridge the stronger it will be. The same principle applies to myelination, when we continue to take in new information and apply it, the connection in the brain becomes stronger.

Minor Concept Summary: Myelination

ED 304: Ed Psych and Human Development

Author: Lahna McClaine & Grace Bagley

Validated By: Macey Mattson 2/1/2023, Emily Walton 2/14/23, Trista Hunt 2/24/23

Disclosure: ChatGPT was used in the creation of this resource


Myelination in Education?

Understanding the timing of myelination can help teachers tailor their approach to different age groups. Knowing that young children have less developed myelin, means they may have trouble with tasks that require sustained attention or complex problem-solving. Teachers should be prepared to adjust their lesson plans accordingly. 

Social Environment 

Myelination in youth and adolescents can be affected by their social environment. When a child is isolated, the development of myelin sheaths is interrupted. Childhood is a critical period for myelin development. As a teacher, you should be aware of the social environment in your classroom and school. Watch for signs of isolation. Encourage socialization amongst peers. Doing this can help prevent the negative effects of isolation on brain development.

Videos for additional information: 
Watch on YouTube

Watch on YouTube

Additional Reading:

  1. Quiz Questions:

    1. Which of the following is NOT a function of the myelin sheath?

              a) Insulating axons

              b) Increasing the speed at which nerve impulses are conducted

              c) Filtering sensory information

             d) Controlling muscle movement 

  2. 2. Which of the following statements about myelination is TRUE?

             a) Myelination only occurs in the peripheral nervous system.

             b) Myelination is completed by the time an individual reaches adulthood.

             c) Myelination is not important for the development of motor skills and coordination. 

             d) Myelination is only relevant for the transmission of sensory information. 

  3. 3. The myelin sheath is a layer of fatty tissue that insulates the axons of neurons and ________ the speed at which nerve impulses are conducted. 

            a) Decreases

            b) Increases

            c) Eliminates

            d) Doesn't change

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