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      Modeling behavior for children is an important aspect of parenting and teaching. By demonstrating appropriate behavior, adults can help children learn how to behave in different situations and make good decisions. Adults need to be conscious of their behavior, as children often imitate what they see and learn from the adults in their lives. There is a common saying that is said about children. “Monkey see, Monkey do.” The meaning? Children will use observational learning to imitate the model, and then the consequences of said imitation are what provide the learning. They want to use those same skills that others use to survive. Children are always learning and observing, even if they do not show the behavior in question immediately afterward. 

      What is observational learning?

      The idea is that learning not only takes place through the learner's own experiences but also through observing others and imitating their behaviors. Some key attributes of observational learning are:

      1. Attention: Learners must pay attention to the model and their actions to acquire information. Factors such as the model's attractiveness, relevance, and perceived competence can influence the level of attention.

      2. Retention: Learners need to retain the information they have observed in memory to reproduce it later. This involves encoding and storing the observed behavior or information.

      3. Reproduction: Learners attempt to reproduce or imitate the observed behavior. This may involve physical actions, verbal communication, or cognitive processes.

      4. Motivation: Learners are more likely to imitate a behavior if they perceive the model's actions as rewarding or if they expect positive outcomes from reproducing the behavior. Motivation can be intrinsic (self-motivated) or extrinsic (motivated by external rewards or consequences).

      5. Reinforcement: The consequences that follow the learner's behavior influence the likelihood of that behavior being repeated. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, can increase the chances of imitating the observed behavior, while negative consequences can decrease the likelihood.

      One effective way to model behavior for children is to consistently demonstrate the behavior you want to see in them. For example, if you want the child to be kind and respectful to others, make sure to consistently exhibit these qualities in your actions and interactions with others. It can also be helpful to explicitly point out and praise instances of good behavior in your child, as this helps reinforce the desired behavior. It is also important to remember that children learn from their mistakes, so it is okay to allow them to make mistakes and then guide them towards better behavior in the future. Talking about it and making it a habit of conversation is a healthy and helpful way to go into this topic.

      This can connect to education in an extremely beneficial way. Teachers can take advantage of this by demonstrating the desired behavior they would expect their students to replicate. For example, a teacher can dramatize a behavior or action when performing it so that other students will notice and want to conform to that same behavior. This could look like a teacher getting the student's attention, and then practicing turning a worksheet to the "turn in" bin and acting happy so that those behaviors are mirrored in the future. Students will connect happiness and the responsibility of turning in their homework. One way to take this a step further is by then rewarding students in the future who perform this desired behavior to continually reinforce this positive behavior. Teaching students to also model positive behavior and be positive examples in and outside of the classroom can have tremendous benefits. This can apply to whatever is needed or wanted in the classroom, so that the behaviors are in line with the expectations, by using a simple "follow the leader" example.

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      Additional Reading and Citation't%20merely,that%20are%20far%20above%20himself.

      Quiz Questions

           1.  Fill in the blank: Children will use what is called ________ learning to imitate others and the consequences. 

      1. Swearing 
      2. Listening
      3. Reciprocal
      4. Observational
      5. Educational

      2. Select all that apply: What are some appropriate ways to reinforce the good behavior or imitation of a child?

      1. Explicitly point out good behavior
      2. Only giving them attention when they do positive acts
      3. Making it more obvious in the adult's actions of good behavior
      4. Letting them make mistakes, and then lovingly correcting
      5. Encouragement
      6. Not noticing

      3. Select all the true facts

      1. Children can ONLY learn when there is positive reinforcement to their actions
      2. Children are always learning, even when they may not be presenting all that they are taking
      3. Children will ALWAYS remember the lesson learned the first time it occurs
      4. Children can and will imitate everything, whether it be good or bad
      5. If a child misbehaves, the best way to reinforce is to ignore them

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