Part I: Contemporary Psychology

History of Psych, Current Issues, and The Holy Art Of Skepticism

Chapter 1: Skepticism and BrainwashingStanford Prison ExperimentAsch Conformity ExperimentMilgram Shock ExperimentPhilosophies of PsychologyDual Process TheoryHume's GuillotineMoral Foundations Theory: Jonathan Haidt and The Righteous MindWeek 1.1 Core ContentWeek 1.1 Supplemental ContentWeek 1.2 Core ContentWeek 1.2 Supplemental ContentChapter 2: Evidence-Based PracticeEvidence Hierarchy in Academic ResearchCorrelation and CausationExperimental DesignMajor Research MethodologiesCollective Teacher EfficacyCommon Neuromyths of EducationDual-coding theoryJohn Hattie and Visible LearningTreatment, Control, and The Placebo EffectWeek 2.1 Core ContentWeek 2.1 Supplemental ContentWeek 2.2 Core ContentWeek 2.2 Supplemental ContentChapter 3: Tools of the ScientistThe Replication CrisisThe Statistics of PsychologyThe Four Cognitive Artifices: Biases, Fallacies, Devices, and Distortions.The Great Inquiry Learning DebateWeek 3.1 Core ContentWeek 3.1 Supplemental ContentWeek 3.2 Core ContentWeek 3.2 Supplemental ContentChapter 4: Toward a Better PsychologySocial Media Impacts on Students/ChildrenSocial Media Impact on Mental HealthOveridentification Crisis (AKA Over-diagnosis crisis)Audience CaptureAudience CaptureMental Health CrisisIndividual Preventative Factors for Mental IllnessScreeners vs. diagnosticsAnxiety: Etiology, Diagnosis, TreatmentADHD: Etiology, Diagnosis, TreatmentDepression: Etiology, Diagnosis, and TreatmentPerfectionism: Etiology, Diagnosis, TreatmentScrupulosity: Etiology, Diagnosis, TreatmentEfficacy: Pharmacology and TherapyPositive Psychology

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