Triarchic Intelligence (Sternberg)

Minor Concept Summary: Triarchic Intelligence (Sternberg)

ED 304: Psych and Human Development

Author: Cassadie Smith

Validated by: Emily Walton 2/17/23

Disclosure: ChatGTP3 was used in the creation of this resource.


Triarchic Intelligence theory, introduced by psychologist Robert Sternberg, posits that intelligence is comprised of three main components: analytical, creative, and practical intelligence. 

This theory recognizes that intelligence is multi-faceted and that different forms of intelligence are valuable in different contexts. It emphasizes that intelligence is not solely determined by IQ and that individuals can develop their abilities in all three areas throughout their lifetime. Triarchic intelligence can be applied in education by creating learning experiences that cater to different forms of intelligence and by fostering the development of all three components of intelligence. 

Teacher Connection

Here are a few ways that triarchic intelligence can be integrated into education:

  1. Analytical intelligence: Teachers can design lessons that challenge students to analyze and solve complex problems, such as math and science problems, critical thinking exercises, and case studies.
  2. Creative intelligence: Creative activities, such as writing, art, and design projects, can be incorporated into the curriculum to encourage students to develop their creative problem-solving skills.
  3. Practical intelligence: Teachers can provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations, such as through community service projects, internships, and simulations.

By acknowledging and addressing the different forms of intelligence, educators can create a more well-rounded educational experience that helps students develop a range of cognitive skills and abilities.

Media Examples

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Quiz Questions

1. What is the main component of triarchic intelligence that involves the ability to analyze and solve problems?
  1. a) Analytical intelligence
  2.  b) Creative Intelligence
  3. c) Practical intelligence

2. Which form of intelligence refers to the ability to generate new ideas and think outside the box?

  1. a) Analytical intelligence
  2. b) Creative Intelligence
  3. c) Practical intelligence

3. Which form of intelligence involves the ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations and navigate complex social and professional situations?

  1. a) Analytical intelligence
  2. b) Creative Intelligence
  3. c) Practical intelligence

4. True or False: Triarchic intelligence is measurable and an important aspect of students' success in and out of the classroom.

  1. a) True

b) False


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