Tier-1 Instruction

Author: Brooklyn Daigle

Disclosure: ChatGPT was used in the making.

Tier-one instruction, also known as universal or core instruction, forms the foundation of the educational curriculum and is delivered to all students in a classroom or school setting. It encompasses the fundamental concepts, skills, and learning objectives that are essential for academic success and are aligned with grade-level standards or curriculum frameworks. With tier-1 instruction it is important to still incorporate differentiated learning as well as universal design for learning (UDL).

Key Components of Tier-One Instruction:

Curriculum Alignment:

Whole-Group Instruction:

Formative Assessment:

High-Quality Instructional Practices:

Benefits of Tier-One Instruction:

In summary, tier-one instruction plays a critical role in providing all students with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for academic success. By delivering high-quality, differentiated instruction to the entire class, educators can promote equity, access, and positive learning outcomes for all students.

Watch on YouTube


Bath, P. (2018). Behavior and Basic Tier 1. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI5ERWkd6i8

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