

Disclosure: ChatGPT3 was used in the creation of this resource.


Withitness in the classroom is the ability of a teacher to be aware of what is happening in their classroom and to respond appropriately. This means being attuned to the needs and behaviors of students, as well as being able to anticipate and address potential problems before they arise. Withitness can help teachers create a positive and engaging learning environment for their students, as well as maintain control and order in the classroom.

For example, a teacher who possesses withitness might notice that a particular student is struggling to keep up with the lesson and provide extra support or clarification. They might also notice that a group of students are getting restless and incorporate an interactive activity to refocus their attention. Withitness can also involve being aware of the emotional and social dynamics of the classroom and being able to respond to conflicts or issues in a supportive and respectful manner. Overall, withitness is an essential skill for teachers to have in order to create a successful and effective learning environment for their students.

In summary, withitness is the idea that teachers are aware of what is going on in the classroom and know how to best help students that may be falling behind in classes or have special needs. Withitness is a management strategy for teachers in the class to be aware of everything that is going on in the classroom.

Quiz questions:

  1. From the following list, what is considered “withitness”?

    1. The teacher should be able to handle off-task behavior before it escalates in the classroom 
    2. The teacher does not say anything about the student running around the classroom
    3. The teacher is aware of emotional or social circumstances in the classroom
    4. The teacher does not see conflict in the classroom between 2 students
  1. What is the definition of withitness?

    1. The ability to be aware of everything that is happening in a classroom
    2. The tendency to be disorganized and forgetful
    3. The ability to remember everything that was said in a conversation
    4. The way a teacher prepares a lesson 

3. What is the primary benefit of a teacher possessing withitness?

    1. Students are less likely to remember what they learned
    2. Students are more likely to enjoy their class
    3. Students are less likely to misbehave
    4. Students are more likely to get better grades in class



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