W04 Case Study: Protecting Against Financial Hardship

As the Chirambas make progress in alleviating their debt burden, the focus shifts towards exploring opportunities to develop greater stability. At present, the Chirambas also have only limited access to healthcare and do not have an emergency fund. Small-scale entrepreneurship initiatives, initiated in the previous phase, such as cultivating a home garden, raising chickens, or engaging in small-scale farming, can now evolve into potential income-generating assets. The prospect of selling surplus produce or poultry in the local market opens avenues for additional revenue. This additional revenue, if used wisely, can help protect the Chirambas from financial hardship. However, they will need to navigate the challenges of balancing immediate, daily needs (living hand to mouth, eating what you earn each day) and long-term goals that can provide greater stability. 

The Chiramba Family has variable income and expenses that make it difficult to know how much to budget for each month and how much to keep in an emergency fund. Use the table below to help with your Week 4 case study activity worksheet.

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