Part 1: The Ancients

Psyche and ErosThe Ancient Greeks, Part One: The PresocraticsThe PresocraticsThe BasicsThe IoniansThe Greeks of ItalyThe AbderansThe AlphabetTwo Poems by SapphoHistory of Psychology Timeline: 600 BC to 200 BCThe Ancient Greeks, Part Two: Socrates, Plato, and AristotleThe AtheniansSocratesPlatoPlato: Book VII of The RepublicAristotleLogical FallaciesKissing Hank's AssThe Ancient Greeks, Part Three: Epicureans and StoicsCynicismHedonismSkepticismStoicismEpicureanismEpicurus Letter to MenoeceusSelections from The EnchiridionHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1 to 400 adThe Philosophies and Religions of the Roman EmpireNeo-PlatonismMithraismChristianityGnosticismManicheanismSt. AugustineThe Fall of RomeIslamA Brief History of JudaismEarly Christian HeresiesOther HeresiesSunnis and ShiitesEarly Chinese and Indian HistoryEarly Chinese HistoryEarly Indian HistoryPart 1: Appendix

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