The History & Systems of Psychology: Looking at Theory from a Restored Gospel Perspective

Writer Dr. C. George Boeree

Editor Dr. Yohan Delton

Brigham Young University-Idaho

This is an e-text about the historical and philosophical background of Psychology. It was originally written by Dr. C. George Boeree for the benefit of his students at Shippensburg University. © Copyright 1999, C. George Boeree.

Part 1: The AncientsPsyche and ErosThe Ancient Greeks, Part One: The PresocraticsThe PresocraticsThe BasicsThe IoniansThe Greeks of ItalyThe AbderansThe AlphabetTwo Poems by SapphoHistory of Psychology Timeline: 600 BC to 200 BCThe Ancient Greeks, Part Two: Socrates, Plato, and AristotleThe AtheniansSocratesPlatoPlato: Book VII of The RepublicAristotleLogical FallaciesKissing Hank's AssThe Ancient Greeks, Part Three: Epicureans and StoicsCynicismHedonismSkepticismStoicismEpicureanismEpicurus Letter to MenoeceusSelections from The EnchiridionHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1 to 400 adThe Philosophies and Religions of the Roman EmpireNeo-PlatonismMithraismChristianityGnosticismManicheanismSt. AugustineThe Fall of RomeIslamA Brief History of JudaismEarly Christian HeresiesOther HeresiesSunnis and ShiitesEarly Chinese and Indian HistoryEarly Chinese HistoryEarly Indian HistoryPart 1: AppendixPart Two: The RebirthThe Middle AgesThe Dark AgesThe UniversitiesThe Problem of UniversalsNominalismAbelardThe MoslemsSt. ThomasThe Beginning of the End of the Middle AgesHeloise's First Letter to AbelardHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1000 to 1400 adThe Beginnings of Modern PhilosophyHumanismThe ReformationScienceFrancis BaconGalileo GalileiRene DescartesEducationSelections from a letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615Selections from MeditationsQuotes from ComeniusHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1400 to 1800 adEpistemologyModern Philosophy: The EnlightenmentThomas HobbesBenedictus SpinozaJohn LockeGeorge BerkeleyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizPierre BayleAugust Comte’s Positivist CalendarSpinoza’s EmotionsMetaphysicsHume and KantDavid HumeImmanuel KantDeclaration of the Rights of ManSelection from A Vindication of the Rights of WomanEthicsTheological TheoriesMoral RelativismMoral realismOverlapping MoralitiesPart 2: AppendixPart Three: The 1800sHistory of Psychology Map and Timeline: The 1800sEarly Medicine and PhysiologyThe AncientsThe Rebirth of MedicineThe 1800'sHermann von HelmhotzThe Hippocratic OathA Modern Physicians OathPhrenology DiagramA Brief History of PsychopharmacologyThe Ancient WorldThe Middle AgesThe Age of ExplorationThe 1800sPsychedelic drugsDarwin and EvolutionCharles Robert DarwinAlfred Russel WallaceThomas Henry HuxleyHerbert SpencerA Selection from The Descent of ManPrimal Patterns of BehaviorJohn and MaryThe Komodo DragonSociobiologyRomanticismJean-Jacques RousseauJohann Wolfgang von GoetheArthur SchopenhauerSøren Aabye KierkegaardFriedrich Wilhelm NietzscheRomanticism in GeneralThe Quotable Friedrich NietzscheSelection from Thus Spake Zarathustra, part fourPsychology: The BeginningsJohn Stuart MillThomas BrownHermann EbbinghausPsychophysicsGustav FechnerSir Francis GaltonAlfred BinetHereditary Talent and CharacterHistory of StatisticsWilhelm Wundt and William JamesWilhelm WundtWilliam JamesStructuralism or VoluntarismFunctionalismCommonalitiesThe Stream of ConsciousnessFree WillAddendumPart 3: AppendixPart Four: The 1900sMap and Timeline: The 1900sFreud and PsychoanalysisPrecursors of PsychoanalysisFranz Anton MesmerPhilippe PinelJean-Martin CharcotThe UnconsciousSigmund FreudCarl JungAlfred Adler"The Structure of the Unconscious"The Oedipus Complex RevisitedBehaviorismIvan PavlovEdward Lee ThorndikeJohn Broadus WatsonWilliam McDougallClark HullE. C. TolmanB. F. SkinnerWalden TwoThere Was a Child Went ForthGestalt PsychologyMax WertheimerWolfgang KöhlerKurt KoffkaThe TheoryKurt LewinKurt GoldsteinGestalt Psychology TodayThe Relation of the Organized Perceptual Field to BehaviorPhenomenological ExistentialismFranz BrentanoCarl StumpfEdmund HusserlPhenomenologyMartin HeideggerJean-Paul SartreA small piece from Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManRomance: A Partial AnalysisModern Medicine and PhysiologyTechnology and the brainThe psychopharmacological explosionGenetics and the human genomeA Brief History of the LobotomyPsychology: The Cognitive MovementNorbert WienerAlan M. TuringLudwig von BertalanffyNoam ChomskyJean PiagetDonald O. HebbGeorge A. MillerUlric NeisserConclusions?A Computer TimelineA. I. Gone Awry: The Futile Quest for Artificial IntelligencePsychology Today and TomorrowPart 4: Appendix

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