W03 Assignment: Listening Skills



  1. Interview two people.
    • Each person you choose should have some connection to a business career, either as a former professional, current employee, supervisor, co-worker, or customer. If you're not sure, ask your instructor. A great option would be someone in a field you would like to pursue.
    • It must be “synchronous,” meaning in person or live over technology.
    • The purpose of your interview will be to learn about the role of communication in business relationships. You are welcome to focus your interview on something specific you’d like to learn about business relationships, but here are some examples of potential questions: 
      • Describe a time in your workplace when you felt your relationship with a supervisor or subordinate or co-worker was positive or negative. 
      • Describe someone with whom you worked who had poor or excellent communication skills and how it affected your workplace.  
      • How do you think a workplace mentoring environment can be created between colleagues or supervisor and employee? 
      • Should you be friends with the people at work? Why or why not? 
      • How do you define ”healthy work boundaries”? 
      • Is it possible to have a relationship with your supervisor or co-worker in a virtual workplace setting?  
  2. Use best practices of listening described in the text while taking notes or recording the conversation (with permission).
    • Keep your notes or recording. You will use them for your assignment next week.   
  3. After your interviews, reflect on your experience as a listener by filling out this Listening Self-Reflection, reflecting on what you could do better.
    • You will not turn this in. 
  4. Write a reflection paper in the following format:  

5. Submit your paper to the W03 Assignment: Listening Skills assignment in Canvas. Do not use generative AI. This assignment can bless you as you listen and learn from business professionals, then reflect about your listening skills and your goals.  

Next Steps: Next week,  you will give a short speech about what you learned from the interviews as part 2 of this assignment.

Example submission


Interview 1 

Luna Morena, small business owner

Interviewed Saturday, for 45 minutes, in her office

Luna Morena owns a bakery. I asked her about relationships with people who worked for her and how she felt they could be positive. She felt like she had respect for those who work for you was important, and she would show that respect by listening to their feedback. She also felt like remembering details about them showed them she cared about them beyond just their work and would celebrate their birthdays. She also shared that she applied empathy to their experience and try to make clear expectations of what she expected but not burden them so they couldn’t succeed. 

Interview 2 

Luis Morales, restaurant manager

Interview Monday, for 30 minutes, at his restaurant

Brother Morales manages a restaurant in my city, and he has many employees. I asked him about having positive relationships with employees too. He said you should have clear expectations with employees, and he communicates them by having them written in the backroom. He also holds an interview with each employee three times a year, and he tells them what they are doing well and how they can improve. After this interview, he asks them to set two goals, write them down, and then he asks about these goals at the next interview. 


I gave myself ADVANCED for this area. I came up with questions, and I also asked follow-up questions to get more information. I think this was my strongest area in listening because I knew what I wanted to learn. My strengths in this area are knowing what I wanted to learn, being ready with questions, and being good at asking questions to keep the conversation going. In future interviews, my goal is to order the questions from most important to least, so I make sure I get the information I need. 


I gave myself DEVELOPING for this area. I like both of these people very much, but I didn’t realize how much time I was taking from both of them, and I should have been sensitive to that. Sometimes I felt like I was just thinking of myself and my next question. I do think my love for people is a strength I have, and I also know that I have a lot of respect for other people. To improve, I will set a goal to write down on my interview “Think of the other person” as a simple reminder to be sensitive. 


I gave myself ADVANCED for this area. I think I am an animated person! I am usually smiling or nodding, and I usually lean in when someone is speaking because I don’t want to miss anything. I try to show I care! I do think I use my nonverbal skills more, so I will set a goal to think about mannerisms that are vocal, like saying “yes” or “I understand.” I think that would enhance my communication. 


I gave myself DEVELOPING on this area. I have to admit that my mind often wandered, especially because I was taking taking notes. My strengths in this area are my education because I know from this class that I can give more attention and why its important. I also have a lot of love for people. My goal to improve is to focus less on taking notes and what my next question is and more on the person in front of me.      

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