W04 Assignment: Relationships at Work Presentation


Task: Take the ideas you learned last week about relationships at work from your interviews and write a short speech. Present your speech to a friend. Receive feedback. Write a one-page reflection on what you learned about your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter.  

Purpose: To apply effective presentation skills while learning about the role of relationships in business. 


  1. Write a short speech using the interviews you held last week (plus any information from your textbook and outside sources) on the theme of relationships at work.  
    • Use the method from your chapter.
    • Here is an example of a speech outline
    • You are welcome to focus the speech how you'd like, but here are some ideas of possible themes: 
      • Best practices of healthy work relationships 
      • How to build work relationships 
      • How to avoid negative relationships at work 
      • What it means to have positive relationships at work 
      • What it means to be a mentor 
      • Why you should or should not be friends with your co-workers or supervisor 
      • How to develop relationships in a virtual work environment 
      • Or any other relationship-at-work theme you’d like  
  2. Practice the speech before you perform for someone else. Time yourself. It should be about three to five minutes long (one to two typed pages double-spaced.)  
  3. Present your speech to one friend. (It doesn't have to be the same friend you interviewed). Have him or her evaluate your verbal and nonverbal skills as a presenter using the Speech Feedback Worksheet
    • Your speech doesn’t need to be typed out or even memorized. You can read your speech, use an outline, make a PowerPoint, or have notecards when you present but consider the importance of eye contact.  
  4. Review the feedback, ask any further questions about your presentation
  5. Write a reflection about what you learned about your presentation skills. You will not be graded on your performance as a speaker but on your reflection of the feedback you received

Label the first section TOPIC.

Label the second section SKILLS

Label the last section IMPROVEMENT.

Use complete sentences. Make sure you write this paper yourself, not using generative AI. This assignment can bless you as you practice speaking skills you will use the rest of your life. You have important messages to share. Please use this as a personal learning opportunity. 

6. Submit your reflection to the W04 Assignment: Relationships at Work Presentation assignment in Canvas.

Example of submission: 

Topic: “Improving Your Relationship with Your Boss”

Presented to: My sister Lola

My speech was a summary of what I learned from my interviews last week, focused on what I learned about having a better relationship with your boss. First, you should schedule regular meetings with your supervisor. My supervisor meets with me once a year, but I don’t think this is enough. My friend who I interviewed last week suggested that I schedule an informal 15-minute check-in. Second, you should ask for feedback on your performance. This is something I learned from Pedro, who I also interviewed last week. He said every time his employees complete a big project, he will give them feedback. I think this would be valuable, so my boss and I are working together.    


My sister gave me some very valuable feedback. I scored developing on my voice quality, developing on pace, novice on my gestures and facial expressions, developing on my eye contact, and advanced on my preparation. I learned a lot from this feedback that I didn’t realize about my public speaking. I’ll start by what I learned I did well in each of these areas. 

I learned I am loud enough to be heard in my voice quality. I learned I can be understood in my pacing. I learned I smile when I speak which my sister said was good! I learned I look people in the eyes when I do have eye contact. I learned that I can write a good speech.  


I also learned how I can improve. I can sometimes speak too softly when I’m nervous. I do rush and speak fast too. I shuffle my feet. I tend to look down at my notes a lot. I scored best in preparation, but I think my sister was pretty nice about that and I think I could have a stronger introduction. Next time I am asked to speak, I will write on my notes “Speak up! Slow down! Look at your audience!” as a simple reminder. I will take deep breaths to calm down before I start. I will remember not to shuffle my feet!  

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