W05 Case Study: Someone is Getting Fired


  • Task: Each week you will read a case study based on a small business and the four employees who work there. This narrative will help you see interpersonal relationships in action. 
  • Purpose: Apply these stories in an activity that helps you see interpersonal theory in practice.   


  1. Read the story below. Use the theory you study in the textbook and apply them in the activity completed later this week using the characters and story from the Bike Palace. 
  2. Complete the W05 Activity: Someone is Getting Fired in Canvas.

Five people standing in a bike shop four looking nervous and one looking angry

Mr. Vincent’s brother Carlo didn’t look like a farmer to Joseph. He wore an impeccably tailored suit and an expensive watch. He entered the Bike Palace as though he owned it, which was true. He was co-owner with his brother, but this was the first time Joseph met him.   

“Someone is getting fired,” Carlo announced. The room grew silent.    


It’s me, Maria thought.  

I’m always leaving early to get to my son’s football games. I forgot to pay the power bill and nearly put us out of business. Anyone can work the register. They don’t need me.   


It’s me, Marco thought.  

I’ll be retiring soon. I can’t help with anything else in the bike shop besides fixing the bikes. No one wants to buy a bike from me, and I never learned how to work the cash register. Besides, Joseph is getting really good at fixing bikes now. They don’t need me.    


It’s me, Joseph thought.  

I’m the newest one here. I don’t have the experience fixing bikes that Marco does. I don’t know how to do the accounting like Maria. I’m not good with customers like Mr. Vincent. I haven’t done anything I was hired to do in marketing or improving sales. They don’t need me.  


It’s me, Mr. Vincent thought.  

I can’t run this place like Dad did. My brother is much better at managing things—look how wealthy he is from his farm! He could do much better as the manager than I could, and everyone knows it. They don’t need me.  

  “Someone here hasn’t been as involved,” Carlo continued. “And I think you all know who it is.” 

The Bike Palace workers nodded, sadly, waiting to hear their name called.  

“It’s me,” Carlo said.  

They each looked up in surprise.    

“For years, my brother has run this place, without any help from me. Marco, you are the best bike repairman in the city. Maria, I’ve seen the precise records you keep, and I can tell you are an excellent accountant. Joseph, my brother tells me you have big ideas for improving the store. As of today, I am changing my title from co-owner to silent investor, and I’m leaving the running of the business completely to you.”  

He smiled at the group. “In other words, I’m fired.” 

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