W07 Final Project


NOTE: This final project is due at the end of the semester so please work on this project now.

There is no final exam in this class. Instead, you complete a final project. You will decide what that project is, but you must dedicate 10 hours to it, create a visual presentation, and share it with one person. 

Your project should relate to interpersonal communication and be an application of this class into your life. Choose a subject from one of the chapters of study (self communication, spiritual communication, mediated communication, perception, verbal, nonverbal, gender, culture, relationships, listening, or conflict.)  

You can do an art project, music composition, poem, research paper, compilation of video clips on interpersonal communication, scrapbook, five two-hour dates you go on and analyze, analysis of work emails dealing with conflict resolution, letters to old friends, or 10 hours dedicated to improving one relationship in your life. It's your project. You decide. Be creative. However, it must follow these requirements: 


  1. Choose an area of communication in which you wish to further your studies and focus this project on applying this topic in your life. 
  2. Choose a project that will take 10 full hours dedicated during this semester, solely for this class, to study this area of communication. Please do not cheat yourself on this opportunity by using another class or work project. 
  3. Create a visual presentation. (You can use PowerPoint, Prezi, Canva, or another visual program like a website). 
    • Make your presentation look professional. Organize your slides with an introduction, subject titles on each slide, and conclusion. Check for clean writing with no mechanical errors like grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors or formatting errors like fonts or images that don’t upload.  
    • Your visual presentation should include at least six slides (but can have more):
      • TITLE PAGE: Should include your name and a title in a creative format. 
      • THESIS/ WHAT I WANTED TO LEARN: Describe the communication area you want to learn more about. Include a definition of your topic.  
      • MY PROJECT/HOW I LEARNED: Describe the project you decided to do in order to learn more about communication and how this project would help you learn more about your communication topic.
      • INVESTING TEN HOURS: Describe what you did for your 10 hours. This should include a SPECIFIC description of your time investment and will show that you did this project for this class. Report how you used EACH of the 10 hours to improve your understanding.  Imagine this is a list, hour by hour, of how you spent all ten. 
      • SHOWCASE: Include visuals like photos of you doing the project, the poem or song you wrote, or selections from a book you studied. (Please remember that creating your visual/oral presentation does not count toward your 10 hours.)  
      • GROWTH: Reflect on what you learned about this concept/theory of interpersonal communication from dedicating 10 hours to this project. This should reflect a specific application of what you learned about the topic of communication you studied and should include at least three insights you gained. 
      • CONCLUSION: Tie everything together.   
  4. Teach what you learned to one other person. Your oral presentation should last at least five minutes and include your visual presentation. Ask for feedback. You will take the W07 Final Project Quiz to receive points for teaching another person. You do not need to submit a video of this.
  5. Submit your visual presentation. Here is an example. You are welcome to use audio with your presentation, but please note this when you submit it for the graders to review.   

NOTE: The project may be personal in nature if you would like, but keep in mind that it will be reviewed by your instructor, certified grader, and one person in your life, so select something you are willing to disclose. 

Examples of potential ten-hour final projects:  

Rubric for the Final Project


20 pts15 pts10 pts0 pts

20 pts


Student described project and indicated EXACTLY how ten hours were invested in understanding concept/theory by identifying how EACH hour was spent.

Student described project. Project appears to have taken ten hours, but the student did not indicate how these hours were divided.

Project is not described or unclear that a full ten hours were invested.

Project took less than ten hours or was also done for another class/work/project besides this course.

20 pts15 pts10 pts0 pts

20 pts


Student's presentation contains six or more slides/pages, more than three visuals, and writing and format have no mechanical errors. Presentation is organized with an introduction, subject titles on slides, and conclusion.

Student's presentation contains four or five slides and visuals, and writing or format has some mechanical errors that do not distract from understanding. Presentation organization lacks introduction, subject titles on slides, or conclusion structure.

Student’s presentation has two or three slides, no visuals, or errors in writing, format, or organization distract from understanding.

Student’s presentation is one slide or in a Word Doc.

20 pts15 pts10 pts0 pts

20 pts


Student developed a personal definition of chosen communication concept/theory and described why this concept/theory and project were chosen. Student links how the project chosen taught the communication concept/theory.

Student shared a definition of chosen communication concept/theory and described why this concept/theory and project was chosen. Link between how the project taught the concept/theory is not included.

Missing either personal definition of chosen communication topic or description of why this concept/theory was chosen. No description of how the project taught the concept/theory included.

Both definition and why topic was chosen are missing.

20 pts15 pts10 pts0 pts

20 pts


Student shows growth by sharing three insights learned about the concept/theory studied, each applied to the project completed for this class.

Student shows growth by sharing one or two insights gained about the concept/theory, applied to the project completed for this class.

Student shows growth with reflection about communication but not the chosen concept/theory or project completed for this class.

Missing description of new understanding

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