Chapter 7 Conclusion

Congratulations on making it to the final week. Consider all the communication skills you have learned, and remember the goals you set for yourself in this class. Are you a better communicator now?

All businesses require communication skills for successful interactions. Knowing how to use these skills will benefit you for the rest of your life. 

Consider your personal growth. You have skills to 

Communication will also bless your personal relationships. Your improved skills will make you a better friend. They will help you serve effectively in callings at church and in your community. They will strengthen your family relationships that continue beyond this life. Communication is also a skill that provides eternal blessings. Your Father in Heaven wants to communicate with you. He knows you, and He loves you. He gave you the gift of personal revelation and prayer so you know you are never alone. 

This week, you will participate in two final reflections of this class. 

Reflection is an important part of learning. Instructions and links are included below.

May God bless your continued efforts to use communication as a gift to bless your life and the lives of those you encounter.  

W07 Discussion: Change for GoodW07 Final Project

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