Publication Information
SeriesReligious Education

Jesus the Christ


This volume provides an insightful exploration of the life, teachings, and significance of Jesus Christ. Originally published in 1915, Talmage offers readers a detailed account of Jesus Christ's life and earthly ministry, including His premortal existence, birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and eternal reign. Talmage's work serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, His role in the plan of salvation, and the profound influence He continues to exert on religious thought and faith.

Table of Contents

This volume provides an insightful exploration of the life, teachings, and significance of Jesus Christ. Originally published in 1915, Talmage offers readers a detailed account of Jesus Christ's life and earthly ministry, including His premortal existence, birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and eternal reign. Talmage's work serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, His role in the plan of salvation, and the profound influence He continues to exert on religious thought and faith.
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BYU-I Books

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(2023). Jesus the Christ. BYU-I Books.
James E. Talmage
James E. Talmage (1862–1933) was a distinguished figure in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known for his profound contributions as a religious leader, scholar, and member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Born in England and immigrating to Utah as a child, Talmage combined deep religious conviction with scholarly pursuits, earning advanced degrees in geology and chemistry. His significant role in shaping the Church's educational system and his influential work, "Jesus the Christ" (1915), continue to impact the Latter-day Saints community. Talmage's legacy transcends religious boundaries; he served as the president of the University of Deseret and made notable contributions to the field of geology. His enduring commitment to intellectual rigor, leadership, and unwavering devotion to LDS principles defines his lasting influence.
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