Choose to Be a Disciple-Leader

Questions to Ponder

  • What is a disciple-leader?
  • Why choose to be a disciple-leader?

Choose to be disciple leaderDisciple-leadership begins with a decision, and you have to "choose to be a disciple-leader." You have the agency to become whoever you want to be. One does not become a disciple-leader by accident.  There are too many other influences from the world and the natural man to prevent you from becoming such a leader. 

Throughout our lives, we receive many invitations to live our lives more like the Savior. At the heart of disciple-leadership is an invitation to make a choice: acting and leading like the Savior. In choosing to be a disciple-leader, we make an active, personal choice to seek to pattern our lives, our decisions, and our leadership after Jesus: The Perfect Leader.

Before you decide to be a disciple-leader, you need to know what one is.

What is a Disciple-Leader?

What does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to be a disciple-leader?

Read the following articles and reflect on the following questions:


Reflect on the following questions:

Example of Christ: The Greatest Commandment

WATCH The Greatest Commandment or READ Mark 12:28-34, then consider the following questions:

  • Why is the first commandment first?
  • How is the second commandment like the first?
  • What does this mean as we consider how we are to feel about all of God’s children?
  • Jesus states that “There is none other commandment greater than these.” What does this statement mean as we consider all of the commandments and true principles we will need to learn and apply as we seek to become better disciple-leaders?

Disciple-Leader Pondering Questions

Use these guiding questions as you consider situations in the case studies and in your life: 

Servant Leadership

The term disciple-leadership is not commonly used in the secular world of leadership and management.  The closest term that fits disciple-leadership is servant leadership.  Please note this is not the same thing, but you can use this term to explain the principles you are learning in this class in a workplace setting.

Read the following article about 10 characteristics of servant leadership and reflect on the following question:

10 Characteristics of Servant Leadership

Why Choose to Be a Disciple-Leader?

Read the following articles and reflect on the following questions:

Learn to apply the example and principles taught by Jesus Christ consistently and other true principles to lead effectively and solve problems at work, at home, in the Church, and in the community. 

As you become a disciple-leader, you will be an effective leader blessing the lives and organizations you serve.  You will understand that disciple-leadership is both a choice and a lifelong practice and that the fruit of the journey is to influence others for good and to experience increasing amounts of Heavenly Father’s joy in this life and in the next.

So choose this day whether you want to become a disciple-leader.

Example of Real-life Disciple-Leadership

Here is an example of real-life disciple-leadership. These pages from Chick-fil-A are a great example of disciples of Christ who are practicing what they preach. In this case, the company was not started by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

Corporate Purpose - “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”

Also, Chick-fil-A has been America's favorite restaurant for 8 years in a row based ACSI Restaurant Study.

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