Chapter 4: Implementation - Logic Model and Timeline


The implementation plan shows how your interventions will be carried out in the community. This step details the various tasks and activities that will ensure you can accomplish the goals and objectives you have identified. Two tools that are helpful during implementation are logic models and Gantt Charts or timelines. 

A logic model is a visual representation that displays the resources, planned activities, and outcomes you hope to achieve. This tool provides an overall roadmap of your program elements that can be shared with your stakeholders so they understand how the program will function.

A Gantt Chart can help you visually display program activities and the anticipated timeline for each activity. It allows you to predict when and how long each activity should take to complete. While an activity is being implemented, you can track theactual time it took to complete each task. This process can help to better prepare for future years of the program and plan more effectively for how the program is delivered.


Logic Models

(CTB, n.d.)

[Note: This will be used in Section 3, Step 1 of the Term Project]

A logic model presents a picture of how your effort or initiative is supposed to work. It explains why your strategy is a good solution to the problem at hand. Effective logic models make a visual statement of the activities that will bring about change and the results you expect to see.

The form that a logic model takes is flexible. Flow charts, maps, and tables are the most common formats. Components of a typical logic model include:

A basic structure for a logic model. See the appendix for a more in-depth description.

Access the appendix for a description of the image

How to Create a Logic Model

Many granting agencies will require a logic model to assure them that you have thought out the whole process carefully. Several templates exist on the internet for more elaborate graphical charts, but a simple table can also represent your program visually.

One simple format is to show these categories:



A logic model example for a community vegetable garden initiative. See the appendix for a more in-depth description.

Access the appendix for a description of the image

More Examples of Logic Models

Gantt Chart or timeline

 (Tague, 2022; AHRQ, n.d.)

[Note: This will be used in Section 3, Step 2 of the Term Project]

A Gantt chart is a bar chart that shows the tasks of a project, when each must take place, and how long each will take. As the project progresses, bars are shaded to show which tasks have been completed. Gantt charts are helpful at the following times:

A table depicting the Gantt Chart. See the appendix for a more in-depth description.Gantt chart example (CDC, n.d.)

Access the appendix for a description of the image

How to Create and Use a Gantt Chart

  1. Identify the tasks needed to complete the project.

  2. Identify key milestones in the project by brainstorming a list or a flowchart.

  3. Identify the time required for each task and the correct sequence.

  4. Draw a time axis (horizontal) with a scale for the length of the tasks (days, weeks, months, and so on).

  5. Draw task axis (vertical). For events that happen at a point in time, draw a diamond under the time the event must happen. For activities that occur over a period of time, draw a bar that spans the times.

  6. Review to ensure that every task of the project is on the chart.

  7. Use the Gantt chart. You can start with only outlines of the diamonds and bars, and fill them in as the project proceeds. For tasks in progress, you can fill in an estimate of how far along you are on the bar. You can also place a vertical marker to show where you are on the timeline.

You can draw the chart manually or use software such as Excel to draw the Gantt chart.

A simplified table can also be used to show your timeline: 













Task 1

  X  X

Task 2

  X  X

Task 3

  X  X  X  X  X

Task 4

  X  X

Task 5

  X  X    X

Another Gantt Chart Example (WHO, 2021)

Developing an Action Plan

[Note: This will be used in Section 3, Step 3 of the Term Project]

Developing an action plan can help turn your vision into reality and increase efficiency within your organization. An action plan describes the way your organization will meet its objectives through detailed action steps. It describes what actions will occur, who will carry them out, time limits, needed resources, and communication plans.

A good action plan for your initiative needs to be complete, clear, and current. It will bring many advantages to your program:

 How to Write an Action Plan

  1. Bring together influential people from all the parts of the community.

  2. Review your group’s vision, mission, objectives, and strategies.

  3. Develop action steps that address all proposed changes.

  4. Review your plan and check for completeness.


After preparing your logic model and timeline, the action plan will be easier to assemble. This will show your stakeholders and funders that your plans are logical, you have a plan for carrying out the plans, and the plans are aligned with expected outcomes from your program.

Action Plan Example



Job Title Responsible

By When?

What outcomes will result from each activity?

Objective 1:

Completed Action Plan Example


AHRQ. (n.d.). Gantt Chart. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

CDC. (n.d.). Gantt Chart. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CTB. (n.d.).  Chapter 2, Section 1. Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change. Community Tool Box.

Tague, N. R. (2022, October 3). Gantt Chart. Department of Health.

WHO. (2021). Verification Study Gantt Chart.

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