Chapter 2 Appendix

2.3.1 Writing Process

Example of the background section. There are many strengths associated with online learning. (Topic sentence: outlining your main claim for key point for this paragraph(s).) Online learning is flexible, easily accessible in any location where a student can access WIFI, students can work at their own pace, and students are expected to work independently which can help them learn more deeply (Dhawan, 2020). Flexibility with time and location can be a huge benefit as students can access coursework from anywhere and work around family and work responsibilities (Phirangee, 2016). (Supporting evidence from your sources. [This paragraph would continue and include any positive findings about online learning.) This subject may be several paragraphs long] (This topic could have several paragraphs depending on your sources on the topic.) However, there are also negative aspects of online learning. (Concluding sentence at the end of the last paragraph linking to next paragraph.)

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