Chapter 6: Research Study

Vocabulary List

6.1 Writing the Final Research Paper

(Price et al., 2017)

6.1.1 Title Page

An APA-style research report begins with a title page. The title is in bold and centered in the upper half of the page, with each important word capitalized. The title should communicate the research question in 12 words or fewer. The following are examples of titles:

Below the title are the authors’ names and, on the next line, their university. Multiple authors list their names alphabetically. The next three lines list the name of the course, the instructor’s name, and the date.

6.1.2 Abstract

The abstract is a brief summary of the study, limited to 200 words. It is on the second page of the manuscript, with the heading Abstract centered and in bold. The first line is not indented. The abstract concisely presents the research question, a summary of the methods, the basic results, and the most important conclusions. 

6.1.3 Introduction

The introduction begins on the third page of the manuscript and should be three to four pages long. The heading at the top of this page is the full title of the paper.

Contents of the Introduction:

6.1.4 Methods

The Methods section is approximately one page long and contains four subsections: methods, design, participants, and procedures.

6.1.5 Results

The results section presents the main results of the study and the statistical analyses. 

Begin with the number of responses, a justification of why any were excluded, and any data transformations or scoring that needed to be performed. Next, answer your research question(s), presenting the relevant statistics and including the following:

Summarize the general finding. You can follow up by describing any secondary analyses you did that further explain what you found using a similar pattern.

Embed tables and figures within the text after they are first mentioned. Number each table and figure in the order they are discussed in your paper.

6.1.6 Discussion

Begin with at least one paragraph summarizing your results without using statistics, that includes a clear answer to your research question. Then include the following:

6.1.7 References

(Brigham Young University-Idaho, Pryor, 2024)

The References section is on a separate page at the end of your paper. 

The following are APA rules for the reference page:

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Price, P. C., Jhangiani, R., Chiang, I.-C. A., Leighton, D. C., & Cuttler, C. (2017). Research Methods in Psychology. Pressbooks.

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