2.7 Goals of Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture aims to balance the need for food production with environmental health, economic viability, and social responsibility. Key goals include:

Environmental Protection: Implementing practices that conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, and promote biodiversity.

Economic Viability: Ensuring that farming remains profitable and can support the livelihoods of farmers and their communities.

Social Equity: Providing fair labor conditions, supporting rural communities, and ensuring access to nutritious food for all populations.

By focusing on these goals, sustainable agriculture seeks to create a resilient and equitable food system that can meet the needs of present and future generations.

2.7.1 Which Type of Livestock is the Most Feed Efficient?2.7.2 How Can You Improve the Efficiency of an Animal? Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER) Calculating Feed Conversion Efficiency2.7.2.3 Wait a minute! Is beef really that bad?

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