Week 6: How do we Build Emotional Resilience?

In terms of our human existence, the realm of mental health holds profound significance, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This week we will embark on a journey to explore the complexities of mental health, from understanding the prevalence of mental health challenges worldwide to addressing the stigma associated with mental illness. Through a multidimensional lens encompassing societal, cultural, and individual perspectives, we seek to promote awareness, compassion, and resilience in the realm of mental well-being.

6.1 Unveiling the Landscape of Mental Health6.2 Making Mental Health a Global Priority6.3 Understanding Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction6.3.1 Depression and Anxiety6.3.1.1 - Lost connections6.3.1.2 Boys Adrift6.3.1.3 Girls on the Edge6.3.1.4 A Shift in Parenting Techniques6.3.2 Addiction6.3.3 Messages of Support and Hope6.3.4 Supporting Addiction Recovery6.4 Nurturing Minds: Understanding Mental Illness and Promoting Well-being6.4.1 Understanding Mental Illness6.4.2 Embracing Positive Life Changes

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