Phase III: Nourish the Tree

In this section, we delve into the essence of unified decision-making and faith-driven action. We draw from the teachings of Elder David A. Bednar and President Russell M. Nelson. These teachings inspire us to solve problems and innovate with patience, understanding, and divine guidance.


This section of the C3 Lab Handbook focuses on three principles integral to our collaborative work: Seeking Light and Innovation, Deciding in Unity and Acting in Faith, and Working and Executing Effectively. Drawing from spiritual leaders and practical execution strategies, these principles guide us in combining spiritual insights with effective teamwork and decision-making. Our goal is to enhance the learning experience at the C3 Lab through thoughtful collaboration, unified purpose, and focused action, ensuring that our efforts align with both our academic and spiritual values.

Principle 1: Seek Light to Solve Problems and Overcome Darkness

This principle is inspired by the teachings of Elder David A. Bednar and President Russell M. Nelson. Elder Bednar explains the various ways God communicates with us, likening it to light. He says, "Sometimes those messages come quickly and rather dramatically," like light in a dark room, but more often, "the light comes gradually, much like the rising of the sun."

President Nelson, in his talk, emphasizes the importance of being peacemakers, warning against contention and advocating for understanding and charity. He urges followers to be examples of compassion, particularly in disagreements.

In the C3 Lab, these teachings inspire us to solve problems and innovate with patience, understanding, and divine guidance, fostering a spirit of peace and collaboration.

Implementation Questions:

  1. When faced with problems, how do we invite and encourage synergistic, innovative thought, and contribution from all?
  2. Is there any darkness in our discussions, such as contention, mediocrity, pride, unwillingness to listen or yield, resentment, or burnout? If so, what can we do now to "clear away the bad, according as the good shall grow"?
  3. In what ways are we applying the principles of peacemaking and charity in our team interactions to foster a positive and collaborative environment?
  4. How can we ensure that our team's approach to problem-solving reflects the gradual and patient process of seeking revelation?
  5. What steps can we take to create a more spiritually receptive atmosphere in our meetings, encouraging openness to divine inspiration and guidance?

These questions are designed to help the C3 Lab teams reflect on and improve their approach to collaboration, ensuring it aligns with the principles of seeking light and innovation.


  1. Patterns of Light: Spirit of Revelation by Elder David A. Bednar: Watch video here.
  2. Peacemakers Needed by President Nelson: Watch or read the talk here.

Principle 2: Seek light and innovate to solve problems and overcome darkness

In this section, we delve into the essence of unified decision-making and faith-driven action, drawing from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's "Discovering Truth" video and the Church Handbook's teachings on Councils. Elder Uchtdorf's message on seeking truth with an open heart resonates profoundly with our goal of making decisions in unity. He emphasizes that "truth is discovered when diverse viewpoints are considered," a principle that aligns with the collaborative nature of the C3 Lab.

The Church Handbook's guidelines on Councils further enrich this principle. It emphasizes that "the primary purpose of councils is to help members work together in seeking divine guidance," highlighting the need for spiritual preparation and inclusive discussion. In council meetings, every voice is heard and valued, mirroring Elder Uchtdorf's call for openness and respect for diverse perspectives.

Furthermore, the Handbook advises that council members "should avoid contention, unrighteous judgment, and gossip," urging a focus on unity and peacemaking. This aligns with our mission in the C3 Lab, where decisions should not only be a product of consensus but also of a deep understanding and faith in our collective wisdom and the guidance we seek.

By integrating these spiritual teachings with practical guidelines, we ensure that our decisions and actions in the C3 Lab are not only united in purpose but also rooted in faith and truth. This approach embodies the spirit of collaboration, empathy, and respect, crucial for nurturing the tree of our collective endeavors.

Implementation Questions:

  1. Are we following an effective process for making timely, unified decisions?
  2. Do we write all decisions in our notes, and do the decisions we've made so far have a clear action plan?
  3. Have we made any decisions about which members of the team feel unsettled? How can we address any concerns?
  4. How are we ensuring that every team member's voice is heard and considered in our decision-making process, reflecting Elder Uchtdorf's emphasis on diverse viewpoints?
  5. In what ways are we applying the Church Handbook's counsel on avoiding contention and fostering a spirit of unity and peacemaking in our discussions?
  6. How do we maintain spiritual preparation and receptiveness in our meetings, aligning with the Handbook's guidance on inviting divine guidance in our planning and decision-making?


  1. Discovering Truth, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Links to YouTube video)

  2. 8 Principles to Help Stake, Ward and Family Councils Be More Effective (Church Newsroom Article)

  3. Councils in the Church, Church Handbook (Church Handbook Section 4.3)

Principle 3: Work and Execute Effectively

This section, drawing from "The 4 Disciplines of Execution," focuses on how to work effectively and execute goals. Discipline 2 emphasizes acting on lead measures—specific actions that have a significant impact on achieving goals. It involves identifying key actions, like reducing out-of-stock items in a retail scenario, which directly influence desired outcomes.

Discipline 3, keeping a compelling scorecard, is about tracking these lead measures and outcomes in a way that engages and motivates the team. It’s about making progress visible and tangible.

Discipline 4, creating a cadence of accountability, ensures regular check-ins and accountability for the lead measures. This involves collaborative planning, where both leaders and team members contribute to defining actions that produce the greatest results.

In the C3 Lab context, these disciplines guide us to identify and focus on the most impactful actions, track our progress effectively, and maintain accountability, ensuring that we work efficiently towards our objectives.

Implementation Questions:

  1. Are our meetings focused on matters that require input from the team, and do we avoid wasting time in conversations better handled outside of the meeting?
  2. Does each meeting have an agenda, and assigned person or people for notes, and do we make effective use of meeting time?
  3. Do we hold one another accountable for the results of commitments?
  4. How do we ensure that our lead measures are directly impacting our Wildly Important Goals (WIGs)?
  5. Are we effectively utilizing a compelling scorecard to track progress on our lead measures?
  6. How are we fostering a culture of accountability, ensuring that everyone is responsible for their commitments and contributions?


  1. The 4 Disciplines of Execution; 

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