
What is the C3 Lab?
Creative Course Collaboration (C3) Lab is an experience where teams of faculty members collaborate to make good courses even better. C3 teams draw on the best ideas from colleagues on campus as well as the scholarship of learning and teaching. Each C3 team meets together for 2-3 hours per week. Team members spend a few hours each week in study and development.
Design Principles
C3 Lab strives to achieve the following ideals:Faculty time is focused on mentoring and feedback. Greater focus is placed on teaching one another and student-to-student relationships. Technology is leveraged to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, as well as employable technical skills.
Phase I: Prepare the Ground
The Key 3 Meeting serves as a crucial initial gathering of the C3 Lab facilitator, course lead, and instructional designer. Its primary objective is to lay the groundwork for effective collaboration, teamwork, and course design outcomes. This section will delve into three essential principles to cultivate a culture of collaboration and creativity.
Phase II: Plant Inspired Seeds
This section of the C3 Lab Handbook focuses on fostering a unified purpose among our teams. We stress the importance of a shared vision that precedes the physical creation of course content. As facilitators, steering the team towards these priorities ensures that our actions reflect our unified commitment to educational and spiritual excellence.
Phase III: Nourish the Tree
In this section, we delve into the essence of unified decision-making and faith-driven action. We draw from the teachings of Elder David A. Bednar and President Russell M. Nelson. These teachings inspire us to solve problems and innovate with patience, understanding, and divine guidance.
Phase IV: Harvest the Fruit
The final phase, "Harvest the Fruit," emphasizes the crucial steps of communicating and gaining commitment for the course design and vision developed in the C3 Lab. It involves two key aspects: effectively communicating the decisions and vision to all stakeholders, and securing their commitment and involvement for successful implementation. By focusing on clear communication and active stakeholder engagement, this phase aims to ensure the successful implementation of the innovations.