Tools and Resources

To support the C3PO process, we've compiled a set of tools and resources that facilitators and participants can use throughout the program engineering journey. These resources are designed to streamline the process, promote consistency, and enhance the quality of outcomes.

A. Templates for program vision and outcomes

  1. Program Vision Statement Template
    • Purpose: To guide the creation of a concise, inspiring vision statement
    • Key components: Program purpose, values, and long-term impact
    • Example: [Include a brief example of a well-crafted vision statement]
  2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Template
    • Structure: "Upon completion of this program, students will be able to..."
    • SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
    • Example set: [Provide 3-5 example PLOs from a sample program]

B. Program mapping tools

  1. Curriculum Mapping Matrix
    • Excel or Google Sheets template for mapping PLOs to individual courses
    • Instructions for indicating levels of coverage (e.g., Introduced, Reinforced, Mastered)
    • Sample completed matrix for reference
  2. Course Sequencing Flowchart Template
    • Visio or template for creating a visual representation of course progression
    • Guidelines for indicating prerequisites and co-requisites
    • Example of a completed course sequence flowchart

C. Data collection and analysis resources

  1. Program Data Dashboard Template
    • Key metrics to track (e.g., enrollment trends, retention rates, post-graduation outcomes)
    • Guidelines for data visualization and interpretation
    • Links to institutional data sources
  2. Industry Feedback Survey Template
    • Customizable questionnaire for gathering input from industry partners
    • Guidelines for administering and analyzing survey results
  3. Student Learning Assessment Plan Template
    • Framework for ongoing assessment of PLOs
    • Examples of direct and indirect assessment methods

D. Facilitation aids

  1. C3PO Session Agenda Templates
    • Customizable agendas for kickoff, main sessions, and wrap-up meetings
    • Suggested time allocations for different activities
  2. Discussion Prompt Bank
    • Collection of thought-provoking questions to stimulate dialogue
    • Organized by C3PO process stage (e.g., visioning, outcome development, mapping)
  3. Virtual Collaboration Tools Guide
    • Instructions for using online whiteboards (e.g., Miro, MURAL)
    • Tips for effective virtual brainstorming and decision-making

E. Implementation planning resources

  1. Course Revision Prioritization Matrix
    • Tool for assessing and prioritizing course changes based on impact and effort
    • Guidelines for creating action plans for high-priority courses
  2. Communication Plan Template
    • Framework for sharing C3PO outcomes with various stakeholders
    • Sample announcements and presentations

F. Continuous improvement tools

  1. C3PO Process Evaluation Survey
    • Questionnaire for gathering feedback from participants
    • Guidelines for using feedback to refine the C3PO process
  2. Program Review Schedule Template
    • Timeline for regular review and update of program vision, outcomes, and mapping

G. Additional resources

  1. Glossary of key terms used in program engineering
  2. Annotated bibliography of relevant literature on curriculum design and assessment
  3. Links to professional development opportunities in program design and facilitation

These tools and resources are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of each program. Facilitators should familiarize themselves with these resources before beginning the C3PO process and introduce them to participants as needed throughout the sessions. Regular feedback on the usefulness and usability of these tools is encouraged to ensure they continue to meet the evolving needs of our academic community.

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