
The Need of a Redeemer

As the Only Begotten in the fullness of time became incarnate among men, He lived a sinless life, fulfilled the will of the Father, and offered Himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, He conquered death and provided salvation for all who put their faith in Him.

The atonement of Jesus Christ is unique and universal in its application. It reconciles men to God through the forgiveness of sins, and it provides a means for the redemption of all mankind from spiritual death. The atonement makes possible the resurrection of the dead, both the just and the unjust, and provides a way for all to come again into communion with God.

The victory over death was achieved by Jesus Christ through His resurrection, which demonstrated His power over death and provided a pattern for the resurrection of all who believe in Him. The resurrection of the dead is a universal reality, and it is confirmed by numerous scriptural references.

The need of a Redeemer lies in the inability of man to raise himself from the temporal to the spiritual plane without divine assistance. Mineral matter can never become part of an organic tissue except through the agency of life, and man cannot advance himself from his fallen state without the aid of a power above his own. A Redeemer and Savior of mankind is essential to the realization of the plan of the Eternal Father, and that Redeemer and Savior is Jesus Christ, beside whom there is and can be none other.

In conclusion, the atonement of Jesus Christ is a fundamental doctrine of the gospel, and it provides the means for the redemption of all mankind from spiritual death. It is a universal and individual reality that reconciles men to God through the forgiveness of sins and provides a way for all to come again into communion with God.