
In the Wilderness of Judea

In this passage, Jesus is described as being tempted in three ways by Satan. The first temptation was to throw himself from the top of a temple, trusting that God would save him. The second temptation was to turn stones into bread during a time of hunger, and the third temptation was to ask for all the kingdoms of the world and their riches in exchange for worshiping Satan. Jesus resisted each of these temptations by quoting scripture, and Satan departed after each attempt.

The passage also highlights the idea that Jesus was not immune to temptation, but rather experienced them throughout his ministry. This is supported by Jesus' own words, as well as those of the writer of the epistle to the Hebrews, who declared that Christ was peccable, or capable of sinning, despite being the Son of God.

Overall, this passage provides insight into the nature of Jesus and his relationship with Satan, as well as the idea that he experienced temptation throughout his life.