

Aaronic Priesthood restored by John the Baptist, 768. Adam, first man, transgression, 19. Adulteress brought to Christ, 405. Adulterous generation of sign-seekers, 270. Agency, free, of unembodied spirits, 8. American Indians, progenitors of, 49. Andrew, follows Christ, 140.

Antemortal Godship of Jesus Christ, 32 . Antemortal state, graded intelligences in. Antipas, Herod. Antonia, tower or fortress of. 441. Apostasy, the great. among Nephites. Apostles, the Twelve, chosen and ordained. Christ's final commission to imprisoned.

Arrest of Jesus, attempted but unaccomplished, 403; Ascension, Christ's, 697. Athanasius, creed of, 756; Atonement, the, vicarious sacrifice, 21. Beelzebub, Christ’s authority ascribed to,   265 . Baptism, by John the Baptist, 122 ; 163 , 531; Christ by John, 125; enjoined upon Nephites by Christ, 725.

Benedictus, the, 78 . Bethany, Jesus at,   432 , 448 ; the family home at 522 and Bethesda, Pool of. Bethlehem, birthplace of Christ; 92 Bethlehem, slaughter of children in. Bethphage, the pool of. Bethsaida, the city where Christ was born; and 360 Julias. Cæsar, paying tribute to. Jesus, the friend of the. Bridegroom, the brother of Jared, and the son of Jared. The Book of Mormon, original of. 742 The Bountiful, Land

Cæsarea Philippi, coasts of, 368 ; Palestina, 631 . Caiaphas, high priest; 498 his inspired utterance. Cephas, see Peter. Ceremonial ablutions. Childlike and childish, distinction between. Christ and Messiah, significance of the titles. Christians, early persecutions of.

Church discipline of individuals, 391 . Church of England, origin of, 751 ; affirms great apostasy,   753. Church of Jesus Christ, foundation of; 361 rapid growth of Primitive. Columbus, Christopher, his mission; 754 , 757 . Comforter promised;   702 given. Commandment, the great; Common ownership; Common people, attentive to hear Christ.

Consent, common, observed in Primitive Church, 702 , 718 ; in the Church today,   778 . Consistency of Church's claims,  779. Conspiracy of Pharisees and Herodians, 544. Constantine the Great, gives state recognition to Christianity, 746. Constitution of the United States, a necessary preliminary to the restoration of the gospel, 755. Council, the Jewish, see Sanhedrin. Court of the Women, in temple. Cowdery, Oliver, ordained with Joseph Smith. Witness of heavenly manifestations, 774.

Cumorah, scene of last Nephite battle, 742 ; Book of Mormon plates taken from, 767 . Cups and platters, ceremonial cleansing of, 437. Daughters of Jerusalem, Christ's lamentation over, 653 , 666 . David, Son of, see Son of David, preached to, 24. Degeneracy, bodily, incident to the fall of man, 19. Demoniacal possession, 183. Demons, acclaim the Christ, 181.

Devil, Jesus charged as possessed of a, 401 , 411 . Didrachm,   383 ; Disciples and apostles,  227. Disembodied spirits, Christ among,  670. Dispensation of fulness of times, 763. Divorce and marriage, 473. Disciples, instructed, 438 and 461. Christ's, as declared to Nephites, 726. Dogs that eat of the crumbs, 367. Door to the sheepfold, Christ the. Dove, sign of,  126 and 150. Dust, shaking from feet as a testimony, 345. Earth, regeneration of, 322 and 793

Elias, and Moses at transfiguration, 371 ; 375 and Elias, in Kirtland Temple, 775 . Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist,   75 , 78 ;   visited by Mary the Virgin. Elohim, Christ and two disciples journey to Emmaus, 685. Enoch, 44, 143, 151, 793, Ephraim, Jesus in retirement at, 498. Estate of man, first and second. Eve, beguiled by Satan, 19. Evenings, earlier and later. 346 The Eternal Father, The, a

Faith, active, as compared with passive belief, 319. Fall of man 19; redemption from wrought by Jesus Christ, 20. Fasting and prayer, power gained by,   381. First may be last; Fishers of men, 197; Fig tree, 541; and other trees, lesson from, 754.

Foreknowledge of God, not a determining cause, 18 , 28 . Foreordination of Jesus Christ, 6 6. Forgiveness, duty respecting, 391 ; 393 515. Free agency, of unembodied spirits, 8 17 17.

Godhead, three Personages in, 32 . Godship of Jesus Christ, antemortal,  654 , 667 Gospels, the four; 166 ; the synoptic. Graded conditions in the hereafter; Graded intelligences in antem Mortal state. Great commandment, the, 549. Greeks, as Gentiles; certain ones visit Jesus. Heathen to be redeemed; their part in first resurrection. Henry VIII, head of Church of England; Hem of garment; Herder, hireling; Herod, the Great; Antipas, the fox.

Herodias, 259 . High Priestly Prayer, Christ's, 609 High priests and elders, 644 Holy Ghost, sin against, 269 , 278 ; Apostles' promised to apostles, 603. Homily against Idolatry, affirming the apostasy, 753. Hosanna shout, 516. Hyrum Smith, martyred, 776.

Jared, brother of; his interview with the unembodied Christ, 12 . Jaredites,   16 Jehovah, significance of the name,  36 , 41 – 411 - Jeremiah, Messianic prophecies by,  47. Jericho, Christ's triumphal entry into,  513 – 586. Christ's lamentation over,  653 – 653. Jesus the Christ, as Man and Christ,  1 – 1.

Jesus Christ, preexistence and foreordination of, 6 ; the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. His supremacy over Abraham, 11 , 410 — 411 -- His power over death. His final prediction from specific prediction of His death, 562. His betrayal in Gethsemane, 610 -- His agony in agony in Bethany.

Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews, 87 , 90 ; 657 . Jewish exclusiveness. Jews, Christ the King. John the Baptist, birth announced. Christ's testimony concerning his imprisonment of Jesus. The Elias that was to come. restores Aaronic Priesthood in modern time.

John, son of Zebedee, follows Christ. Joseph of Arimathea, assists in burial of Christ's body, 664 . Joseph and Mary the Virgin, espoused. Joseph Smith, visited by the Father and the Son. Judah and Israel, kingdoms of. 59.

Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, betrayed Christ and committed suicide. Judas Thaddeus, or Lebbeus, was a member of the Jewish Twelve. Lamanites and Nephites were progenitors of American Indians. The Kirtland Temple was scene of heavenly manifestations.

Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of, 769 . Law, the, and the gospel. Law of Moses, rabbinical divisions of. Lord's Supper, Sacrament of the, 596. Love, mutual, enjoined on apostles. Luther, Martin, 750. Maccabean revolt, 60. Magnificat, the.

Magi, see Wise men . Malachi, his predictions misunderstood, 149 ;   fulfilled,   775 - Malchus, wounded by Peter, healed by Jesus, 616. Man of Holiness, and Man of Counsel, names of the Eternal Father, 143 - Man, The Son of, 142. Mansions, many in the Father's house, 601 - Many or few to be saved, 445 - Marriage and divorce, 473 - 564. Marriages, levirate - 548 - Martha and Mary, 432 - 511. Mary Magdalene, defended against traditional aspersions, 264 - 679.

Matthew, or Levi, called, 193 ; gives a feast,   194 . Matthias ordained to apostleship,  700. Melchizedek Priesthood, Jesus Christ holds the,  768. Miracles, in general,  147; attitude of science toward them, 151. Millennium, the, the. 790; predictions of, ancient, 790 and modern, 791. Messiah and Christ, significance of names, 36. Messianic Psalms, 46. Michael in conflict with Satan, 6; Meridian of Time, 57.

Miracles of Christ: Water transmuted into wine, 144 ;   healing of nobleman's son. Peter's mother-in-law healed, 183. A demoniac healed in synagog at Capernaum, 181. A blind man healed on Sabbath. A woman in the throng. A man with withered hand. A cripple healed at Bethesda pool. A girl raised from the dead.

Missing scriptures, 117 , 119 . Mission, of the Twelve, 328 695 ; the Seventy, 425 and 427. Modern revelation, belief in Mormon, 776 . Moroni, last of Nephite prophets, 742. Moses, repels Satan, 767. Nard, see Spikenard. Nathanael, or Bartholomew brought to Christ, 141. Nativity of Christ, a cause of discussion, 402. Nazareth, boyhood home of Jesus Christ, 110. Christ's sermon in synagog at, 179. His rejection by Nazarenes, 180.

Nazarite, 67 , 87 ; John Baptist regarded as needing a Redeemer. Nicodemus, visits Jesus. Night, watches of the. Ninety and nine, and the lost sheep. Nobleman seeking a kingdom. Nunc Dimittis, the. Offenses and offenders. Old cloth and old bottles. Olivet, (Mount of Olives) Christ's discourse to apostles on. Gethsemane near. Christ's ascension from. 697 .

Oneness, of Godhead, 500 ; of Father and Son, 602 . Papal claims to authority,   747 . Parables in general,  298 ;   definitions,  303.

Parables of Christ: the Sower, 282 ; Wheat and Tares, 280 Tares; Seed growing secretly, 288; Mustard Seed, 290; Leaven, 291; Pearl of Great Price, 293; Gospel Net, 294. Lost Sheep, 389; Good Samaritan, 430; Friend at Midnight, 434; Foolish Rich Man, 439; Barren Fig Tree, 443; Lost Sheep (repeated), 454; Prodigal Son, 461; Lost Coin, 455; Wicked Husbandmen, 532; Royal Marriage Feast, 536; Ten Virgins, 577; Pounds and Talents compared, 581

Parabolic teaching, Christ's purpose in, 295 . Paradise,   672 , 676 ; the penitent thief in,  659 and 671   Passover, feast of,  112. Paul, the Lord's manifestations to,  713 – 715. Persecutions of early Christians,   746. Peter, James, and John, special witnesses,  314 – 370 – 611.

Peter, Simon, brought to Jesus by Andrew and named Peter, 140. Peter remonstrates with Jesus and is rebuked. Peter testifies to people and rulers in temple. Peter's death foreshadowed by his Pentecostal address, 703.

Pharisees, and Sadducees, 65 , 72 ;   leaven of the,   359 . humiliated by an unlearned indigent,  415. Jesus in house of one of chief, 449; proud of false humility, 465. Philip, called by Jesus, 140; one of the Twelve, 221; asks to behold the Father, 602. Physical cause of the Lord's death, 668; Pilate, see Pontius Pilate. Pilgrim Fathers, their mission predicted, 754; Pleasure and happiness, 231.

Pontius Pilate, procurator, 631 hears charges against Christ,  636. Pope, the, 747 . Prayer, the Lord's,   238 ;   theLord's High Priestly, 609. Pool, of Bethesda, 206. Siloam, 403. A cripple healed at, 207. A blind man sent to wash in, 413.

Predictions of Christ's birth, life and death by Adam, Jacob, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist and other Hebrew prophets. Preexistence of spirits, 6 , 17 ; involved in disciples' question. Presidency, Peter's among apostles,   362 . Priesthood, Aaronic, see Aaronic Priesthood. The Holy, now operative on earth, is the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ the. Protestants, origin of Psalms, Messianic, 46 and 766.

Publicans, 193 , 201 ; sinners and sinners,   193 , 454 salvation for. Zaccheus a chief among. Rabbis, and scribes. Redeemer, need of by essential qualifications of. Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ. Reformation. Regeneration of the earth. Repentant woman forgiven. Restoration, to mortal life contrasted with resurrection. The Priesthood in modern times. Reward, for merit, assured, 479 .

Rich men, and their stewards, 483 ; difficulty of entering kingdom, 478 . Rigdon, Sidney, associated with Joseph Smith, 771. Rock of revelation 361. Sabbath, distinctively sacred to Israel, 203. Saliva, applied to eyes of blind man, 360 , 413.

Salome, daughter of Herodias, mother of James and John, 521 . Salt of the earth, figurative,   232 , 248 ; 743 Salvation, conditions of, 26 26. Samaritans, origin of, 62 and Jews, animosity between, 183. Jesus received gladly by Sanhedrin, then rejected by, 423. Nicodemus a member of, speaks in behalf of Jesus, 404. Gamaliel's advice to Stephen, 709. Stephen condemned by, 711. Jesus' unlawful trial of Jesus before, 621.

Satan, Lucifer, a son of the morning, in conflict with Michael, 6. Jesus Christ, to be bound during Millennium,   791. Saul of Tarsus, his persecution of the Saints, 712. The Sea of Galilee, storms on,  321 . Scriptures, lost, 117 , 119.

Second advent of Christ predicted anciently, 569 , 781 in modern times. Secular authority, submission to,   564 . Seed and crop, 519. Sermon on the Mount, 230. Servants and ministers, 542. Seventy, the, sent, 425. Return of sheep and goats, figurative, 584. Shiloh, Jacob's prophecy concerning, 44 and 54.

Signs, miracles as, 147 , 696 ; Christ's birth and death shown on American continent. Silence, Christ's, when before Herod,   636 . Siloam, Pool of. 403 – fall of tower at. Simon, Peter, see Peter   and the leper. Sinners, joy in heaven over repentant. Smith, Hyrum, see  Hyrums Smith. Joseph, see Joseph Smith. Solomon's Porch. Son of David, title, applied to Joseph of Nazareth. Christ's question concerning.

Son of God, The, proclaimed by the Father, 126 , 371 ; 725 – 761 . Son of Man, The,. 142 - Son of the morning, see Satan Mary anoints Jesus with,  512   Spirit and power of Elias, 376  . Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost, 603 — Spirits, unembodied. Christ's mission among. 670 and 672 – 677 – the world of, missionary labor in. Spiritual development, the one thing needful,  434 – 434 – Stater

Tabernacles, feast of, 419 ; Jesus at the Temple, 399 . Talents and pence,   396  . Talmud, 62 , 70 and Targums, 179. Tithing, day of, 785. Titles, ecclesiastical, 566 Today and tomorrow, special application of terms,   785 -  Tiberias, sea of,  165. The Lord's body symbolized as a, 157. Three Nephites, the, 738. Tetrarch, thirty years of age, 166. Thomas, one of the Twelve, 223. "Th

Tongues, as of fire, Pentecostal manifestations. Traditionalism, in opposition to the law, 351 . Transubstantiation, false doctrine of,   748 ; Transfiguration, the, the. Transgressors, Christ numbered among. Tribute, the temple. Christ pays the. Unbelief, effect of. Unity of Godhead. Unpardonable sin. Vine, Christ the true. Vineyard and vines, Israel symbolized by.

Voice, in the wilderness, John the Baptist, 121. Washing of feet, ordinance of,   595 , 619 . Watches of the night, watchfulness enjoined,  575. "Woman," as noun of address,  144. Women, Christ the ennobler of,  484. Wise men, their adoration of Christ,  99. Woes over Jerusalem, 515, 539, 561, 575, 681, 721, 725.

Zaccheus, 506 . Zacharias, the martyr,   560 , 567. Zion, of Enoch,. 719 and 790 ; of the last days,  786.