W01 Case Study: The Chiramba Family

The Chiramba family, residing in a rural area near Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, faces financial challenges that significantly impact various aspects of their lives. Brother Chiramba, the sole breadwinner working as a laborer in the local agriculture sector, earns a modest income that is inconsistent due to the seasonal nature of the work. The region they live in is prone to droughts, flooding, and economic and political instability. Sister Chiramba manages the household, and they have three children aged 8, 12, and 15.

Financially, the Chirambas focus on daily needs but lack access to financial education for long-term stability. Living without a budget and with limited income streams, occasional financial strain is common. Their lower-class lifestyle in a basic dwelling presents difficulties in affording education beyond primary school and accessing healthcare. While their immediate concern is day-to-day survival, some other concerns and opportunities are present for the Chirambas, which you will learn about throughout the course. 

The financial strain also takes a toll on the married relationship of Brother and Sister Chiramba. Communication challenges, limited quality time, shared responsibility stress, and the impact on emotional well-being create tension. The lack of financial resources hinders future planning, influencing family dynamics and decision-making, and primary educational opportunities for their children. Brother Chiramba also faces a loss of respect from his community if he is not able to provide for his family. In addition, some say that when poverty enters the door, love flies out the window, but the Chirambas are committed to preventing that from happening. They are sealed in the temple and deeply committed to each other. They have a deep desire to work together on raising their family in righteousness. 

Over the semester, you will continue to develop a SWOT analysis for the Chiramba family as their circumstances change. This analysis will allow the Chiramba’s to see where they started, how they have progressed, and the ways they can improve their situation going forward. A final SWOT analysis will be turned in at the end of the course. Reference Chapter 1 for more information.

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