Chapter 1 Preparation: Water Quality

Review the following photos and decide which glass of water you would like to drink. Put them in the order that you would prefer to drink them. After you are finished with this preparation activity, report your results on the introductory discussion board.

Six cups filled with water. The cup labeled "A" looks clear. Cup "B" looks a little cloudy. Cup "C" looks slightly yellow. Cup "D" looks a little bit yellow. Cup "E" looks clear. Cup "F" looks like it has some dirt in it.

Look closely and decide which of these glasses of water you would like to drink. Write down your answers somewhere before moving on.

Now that you have recorded your results, scroll through the individual glasses, and find out if you drank safe water or if your water was contaminated, and with what.

A cup of clear water labeled "A".

Water with Acid. Congratulations you just burned everyone’s throat and killed half your community!

A cup of cloudy water that is labeled "B".

Water contaminated with milk. Although this looks cloudy, it is clean water, and you might get a little calcium in your diet!

A cup of slightly yellow tinted water that is labeled "C".

Toilet water. This water comes contaminated with bacteria from feces, now your entire community is sick with diarrhea!

A cup with yellowish water (more yellow than cup labeled "C") that is labelled "D".

Lemon water. Although this water is a little yellow, the water is safe and perhaps the vitamin-C from the lemons can prevent scurvy in your community!

A cup of clear water that is labeled "E".

Water contaminated with Methyl Alcohol. This is not the alcohol that makes you drunk; it is the type that makes you go blind!

A cup of dirty water that is labeled "F".

Water from a local stream. Yes, it has lots of dirt and sediment, but that’s what filters are for!

Keep track of your results, you'll use them in this week's discussion board.

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