Chapter 2: Water Testing and Well Safety

Water Quality Testing

Vocabulary List

Case Example

A small community noticed an unusually high number of cases of teenagers reporting severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Through a series of diagnostic tests, doctors discovered that the teenagers had high levels of lead in their blood. Further investigation by the health department revealed that all the students attended the same middle school that was built in the 1960s. An environmental health specialist was sent to the school to test the drinking water. Initial tests showed high levels of lead in the drinking water of several drinking fountains. Follow up testing concluded that the water entering the school had safe levels of lead but after the water flowed through the old lead pipes of the school, it became further contaminated with lead. Recommendations were given to replace the pipes in the school.

Water testing can be a valuable tool to help identify and remedy potential exposure to chemicals or metals in the drinking water.


Water Quality Testing Techniques

Water quality testing can be conducted at many places including lakes, rivers, homes, schools, commercial buildings, and water treatment facilities. While there are many ways to test water quality, there are four methods that can be used for most testing.

Direct Reading Probes

Direct reading probes are instruments that provide instant results when their tips are placed in water. These instruments are generally easy to use although the sensors in the probe should be calibrated before use. An example of a direct reading probe would be a digital thermometer . Some direct reading probes can collect results for only one water quality, while there are some that have more than one sensor and can collect results for multiple water qualities. These are called multi use probes. An example could be a digital probe that tests both the temperature and pH at the same time.

Colorimetric Testing

A colorimetric test uses color changes in water to identify water quality characteristics or concentrations of substances in the water. There are two types of colorimetric tests: chemical and paper. Chemical testing requires adding drops of chemical to the water samples. Sometimes a colorimetric test will require multiple sets of different drops. Sometimes, the colorimetric test drops are added after the water changes to a specific color and the number of drops required shows what the concentration is in the water. Other colorimetric tests have a set number of drops and the resulting water color is compared to standard colors of known concentrations. Often, the darker the color, the higher the concentration in the water. Paper testing consists of paper strips that have chemical reagents applied to them. When the paper strips are dipped in water, the reagents will cause it to change colors. The color change is compared to standard colors of known concentrations. Paper testing strips can be for only one substance, such as pH, or can have multiple measuring points for as many as 15 different substances.

Light Refraction devices (spectrophotometers)

Light refraction devices shoot light rays through a water sample and measure the amount of light that is scattered and reflected back to the sensor. These are used to determine the concentrations of substances in the water. Usually, a small water sample is collected and placed inside the measuring device so that no other light can enter. Then the light is sent through the sample. Sometimes the spectrophotometer is built into a probe. These devices should also be calibrated before use.

Lab-tested samples

Sometimes water samples must be sent to a laboratory for testing. Care should be taken in collecting the samples so no contamination occurs. Depending on what type of testing is needed, the samples might need to be maintained in a cold temperature, out of the sun, or in opaque sample bottles.

1) Direct reading probes, 2) Colorimetric testing, 3) Light refraction devices, 4) Lab-tested samples

Water Quality Testing Specifics


Temperature can be tested using a thermometer, digital probe, multi use probe, and even an infrared thermometer, although the infrared thermometer can only test surface water temperatures and not internal water temperatures.

Drinking water temperature depends on personal preference. Optimum river temperature depends on the location and time of the year. High river water temperatures can lead to low dissolved oxygen, algae growth, and stress on aquatic species.


Turbidity can be tested using light refraction devices and direct reading probes. A Jackson Turbidity meter uses a candle and flat-bottomed glass tube to measure turbidity. Another method is to use a Secchi disk. The Secchi disk is a black and white disk that is lowered into the water until it is no longer visible. It is then slowly raised until the black-and-white pattern is visible. At that point, the depth of the disk is measured to determine the point where water is sufficiently turbid to obstruct visibility.

Turbidity is commonly measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that turbidity in drinking water should ideally be kept below one NTU because of the recorded impacts on disinfection. Large well-run municipal supplies should be able to always achieve less than 0.5 NTU before disinfection and an average of 0.2 NTU or less irrespective of source water type and quality (WHO, 2017b). The United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that the turbidity in drinking water should not be higher than one NTU and samples for turbidity must be less than or equal to 0.3 NTU’s in at least 95 percent of the samples in any month (EPA, 2023).

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

Total dissolved solids (TDS) can be tested using direct reading probes and light refraction devices. The WHO states that the palatability of water with a TDS level of less than 600 mg/L is generally considered good (WHO, 2017a). The EPA secondary drinking water regulations list a standard of 500 mg/L (EPA, 2022b).


Salinity can be measured using direct reading probes, light refraction devices, and paper test strips.According to the EPA, fresh water from rivers should have a salinity of 0.5 ppt or less (EPA, 2006).


Hardness can be measured by direct reading probes, colorimetric testing, and paper test strips. Hardness is measured in parts per million (ppm) or grains per gallon (gpg). 17.1 ppm is equal to 1 gpg. If a reading is in ppm, it is easy to change it to gpg because it is only necessary to divide the ppm by 17.1. To go from gpg to ppm, it is only necessary to multiply by 17.1. Below are two examples:

How many gpg is 122 ppm?

        122 ppm/17.1 = 7.13gpg

How many ppm is 2.7 gpg?

         2.7 x 17.1 = 46.17

After testing for hardness, the results should be compared to the table below to classify the water. Results over 3.5 gpg are considered hard, and water softening is recommended.

A table titled "Hardness Table". "Soft" has a ppm of 0 to 17.1 and a gpg of 0 to .99. "Slightly hard" has a ppm of 17.1 to 60 and a gpg of 1 to 3.49. "Moderately hard" has a ppm of 60 to 120 and a gpg of 3.5 to 6.99. "Hard" has a ppm of 120 to 180 and a gpg of 7.0 to 10.49. "Very hard" has a ppm of 180 and over and a gpg of 10.5 and over.


pH can be measured using direct reading probes, colorimetric testing, and paper test strips. The pH of most drinking water lies within the range 6.5–8.5. Surface and groundwater might have a lower pH, because of acid rain or percolation through limestone areas (WHO, 2007).

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

DO can be measured using direct reading probes and colorimetric testing. Healthy water should generally have dissolved oxygen concentrations above 6.5–8 mg/L and between about 80—120% (Datastream, 2023). DO levels below 3 milligrams per liter (mg/L) are a biological concern and waters with levels below 1 mg/L are considered hypoxic and are usually devoid of life (EPA, 2022a).

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Measuring BOD is done by collecting a sample of water and initially testing the DO content, then storing the sample for five days before testing it again. The difference in the readings will show the five-day BOD.

A BOD level of 1–2 ppm is considered very good. There will not be much organic waste present in such a water supply. A water supply with a BOD level of 3–5 ppm is considered moderately clean. In water with a BOD level of 6–9 ppm, the water is considered somewhat polluted because there is usually organic matter present, and bacteria are decomposing this waste. At BOD levels of 100 ppm or greater, the water supply is considered very polluted with organic waste (CIESE, 2023). Most relatively unpolluted streams have a BOD that ranges from 1–8 mg/L (Delzer, G.C., and McKenzie, S.W., 2003).


There are many metals in drinking water that can be tested. It is best to know which metal you want to test for rather than conducting a general test for multiple metals. Some metals can be tested with simple paper test strips. All metals can be tested by sending water samples to a lab.

The EPA has listed maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for several metals found in drinking water. Three of the more important metals in drinking water are arsenic, lead, and copper. EPA recommends controls if lead concentrations exceed an action level of 0.015 mg/L (Delzer, G.C., and McKenzie, S.W., 2003). The WHO recommends that lead in drinking water levels are below 0.01 mg/L and copper levels are below 2 mg/L (WHO, 2022).

Arsenic, lead, and copper.


Nitrates can be tested using colorimetric tests and paper test strips.

The WHO recommends nitrate levels in drinking water are below 50 mg/L (WHO, 2022).

The EPA national primary standards list drinking water levels should be below 10 mg/L (EPA, 2023).


A general biological test is conducted by placing flathead minnows in a sample of water to see if they can survive for seven days. This tests the air and nutrients and general health of the water.

Testing for biological contamination in water is difficult because there are so many bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and helminths that can be found in water. It is not practical to test drinking water for every type of pathogen. It is common practice, however, to test for the bacteria E. Coli as it is an indicator species of fecal contamination, which means if it is present, there may be other harmful pathogens in the water. One way to test for bacteria is by conducting a Heterotrophic Plate count, which is where water is placed in a petri dish and incubated, and the total colonies of bacteria are counted.

Testing for viruses, protozoa, and helminths is impractical in that it requires that large samples of water (100–500 gallons, 400–2000 liters) pass through tiny pore size filters before being looked at under a microscope, which takes a long time to conduct the testing. Unless there is a known pathogen that needs to be tested, it is far easier to just treat the water.

Drinking Water Testing Protocol

In cases where it is necessary to test drinking water for metals such as lead and copper, there is a standard protocol for conducting this type of testing. This protocol is a multi-day process that includes sending samples to a lab and reviewing laboratory results.


Day 1

1. Meet with the supervisor or person in charge at the facility to discuss the scope of the testing.

2. Conduct an inspection of the facility, identifying every water source1.

3. Narrow down the water sources to only drinking water sources2.

4. Cover the drinking water sources with boxes and tape so they cannot be accessed overnight. Place “do not use” signs on those sources and warn residents not to use those water sources3.

Day 2

1. Arrive at the facility and inspect the water sources to make sure they haven’t been used overnight. If they haven’t been tampered with, move on to the next step.

2. Fill out your sampling form and put sample numbers on the one-liter sample bottles4,5.

3. Proceed to collect a one-liter sample at each drinking water source. Make sure to collect the first drop of water6.

4. Upon completion of the water sampling, prepare the samples to send to the lab and fill out your chain of custody form7.

5. Send or deliver the samples to the lab along with the chain of custody form8.

Day 3

1. Receive testing results from the laboratory. Compare the results to the standards or recommended levels for those substances9.

2. If all the results are below the standards or recommendations, proceed to write a report.

3. If any of the results are above the standards or recommendations, prepare your sampling strategy for your follow-up testing for those sources.

Day 4

1. Return to the facility and cover and label the sources that are planned for follow-up testing.

Day 5

1. Arrive at the facility and inspect the water sources to make sure they haven’t been used overnight. If they haven’t been tampered with, move on to the next step.

2. Fill out your sampling form and put sample numbers on the sample bottles. There should be three 250mL samples for each source.

3. Proceed to collect the sample at each drinking water source. Make sure to collect the first drop of water with the first 250 mL bottle. Let the water run for about 20 seconds, then fill the second bottle. Let the water run for another 20 seconds, then fill up the third sample bottle.

4. Upon completion of the water sampling, prepare to send the samples to the lab and fill out your chain of custody form.

5. Send or deliver the samples to the lab along with the chain of custody form.

Day 6

1. Receive testing results from the laboratory. Compare the results to the standards or recommended levels for those substances.

2. Based on the results of the sampling, develop a list of recommendations to remove or reduce exposure to those metals.

3. Write your drinking water testing report.10

Water sources include hand-washing sinks, dishwashing sinks, kitchen sinks, general purpose sinks, janitor sinks, drinking fountains, water bottle fillers, toilets, hose bibs (faucets), five-gallon water containers, and hard tapped lines such as water lines in fridges and coffee machines.

Drinking water sources include kitchen sinks and general-purpose sinks designed for providing drinking water, such as sacrament sinks at churches, drinking fountains, and water bottle fillers. Five-gallon (20 liter) water containers and hard-tapped lines such as water lines in fridges and coffee machines. Non-drinking water sources include toilets, hose bibs, and any other sink including bathroom sinks.

All drinking water sources must remain undisturbed overnight. If a source has been used, don’t test it. Cover it up and come back another day.

A sample sampling form is located with materials on the drinking water quality testing assignment.

Sampling numbers for the purpose of this class should follow the following format: CB-04-22-1Pb. The first two letters (CB) should indicate where the samples were collected. CB in the example stands for Clarke Building. The next four numbers give the date of the sampling, in this example, the sampling occurred on April 22. The last part of the numbering system is for the sample number and what is being sampled. In this example, the first sample is for lead. 2Pb would mean the second sample is for lead. 3Cu would mean the third sample is for copper. 4PbCu would indicate that the fourth sample is for both lead and copper.

It is necessary to collect the first drop of the water sample. If the first drop is missed, you must return on another day to resample that water source.

Each lab will have its own chain of custody form to fill out. A sample chain of custody form is found with the drinking water quality testing assignments. A chain of custody form filled out properly shows who had control of a sample at all times. Often this form is also used by the lab to show what type of sampling to perform on the samples.

It is best to personally deliver samples to a lab, but if they must be mailed, use a reputable mail service. Make sure the lab has proper accreditations to conduct the testing of your samples.

In this case, the action level is 15 ppb for lead and 1.3ppm for copper.

Requirements on how to write the drinking water testing report can be found in the appendices of this book.

Other water testing methods

When testing river water, one of the important factors to determine is what the overall water flow of the river is. Water flow is calculated using the equation Q=AV, where Q is water flow, A is the cross-sectional area of the river and V is the velocity of the water. The cross-sectional area of a river is calculated by taking the width of the river and multiplying it by the average depth. Average depth can be calculated by taking at least five measurements at different points spanning the river. The velocity of a river is determined by averaging the water velocity at least five points spanning the river. Water velocity readings can be collected using a flow meter.

Below is an example of how to calculate water flow. The first picture shows the width of the river and the depth at five points, while the second picture shows the five water velocity measurements. Calculate the overall river flow.

Shows a river that is 32 feet wide. The depth at point A is 1.5 feet. At point B the depth is 2.4 feet. At point C it is 5.1 feet. At point D it is 4.7 feet. At point E it is 1.2 feet.

Average depth is (1.5 + 2.4 + 5.1 + 4.7 +1.2)/5 = 15/5= 3ft

Cross-sectional area is 3ft X 32ft = 96 ft2

The water velocity at point A is 8.2 ft/m. The water velocity at point B is 10.2 ft/m. At point C it is 12.1 ft/m. At point D it is 11.4 ft/m. At point E it is 7.5 ft/m.

Average Velocity is (12.1+10.2+7.5+8.2+11.4)/5 = 9.88 ft/m


Q= 96 ft2 X 9.88 ft/m

Q= 948.48 ft3 /min


Case Example

Heidi’s family grew up in a rural area surrounded by farms and cattle ranches. There was no city water system to hook up to, so they hired some farmhands to drill a well. Instead of drilling down to the second aquifer, the drillers hit a water table at about 12 feet (4 meters) deep, stopped, and put in the well. The well had no problem producing water for Heidi’s farm. Two years later Heidi had her first child, a boy. As he grew, he was quickly switched over to drinking baby formula. The milk-like powder was mixed into the well water and then put into a bottle for her son. One morning her son’s skin started to turn blue, especially around his mouth, face and cheeks followed by his hands. Heidi rushed her son to the hospital where a doctor ruled out congenital heart problems. After a series of questions to the mom, the doctor diagnosed the son with blue baby syndrome and asked the health department to test the family’s water source. The results showed extremely high levels of nitrates in the water. It was assumed that the nitrates came from runoff from the local farms and ranches that contaminated ground water near her house. Nitrates in drinking water can affect the body’s ability to process oxygen and the main symptom is the bluing of the skin.

It is important that wells are properly constructed and located in areas where minimal contamination can occur. Regular testing of wells can show if the water is safe for human consumption.


Drinking water

Drinking water comes from two main sources: surface water and groundwater. Surface water is water taken from lakes, streams, rivers, and other sources on the surface of the land. Groundwater is taken from water sources underground. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using ground or surface water. Some of those are listed below.

The advantages of surface water are that it can be stored in reservoirs, the water is a visible, tangible source, and it is used where ground water is not available. The disadvantages of surface water are that the evaporation loss is high, they are more likely to be contaminated by animals, humans or spills, rivers could be dry during certain times of the year, they are dependent on precipitation and snow pack, and the houses that depend on surface water must be close to the source or expensive piping must be put in. The advantages of ground water are that the evaporation loss is low, aquifers can store and provide water for many years, ground aquifers are found all over, wells can be drilled near homes for a close water source, and the ground works as a filter to clean contaminants. The disadvantages of ground water are that aquifers must be recharged and that water percolating through the ground can pick up minerals and become hard.
What are the two main sources that drinking water comes from?

Surface water and groundwater.


The main way to get groundwater out of the ground is to construct wells. More than 100 million people in the US rely on a public supply well for their drinking water while 43 million people rely on domestic (private) wells as their source of drinking water (USGS, 2019a; USGS, 2019b). Over a third of the world’s population is supplied with drinking water from groundwater (International Association of Hydrogeologists, ). There are three major types of well that are constructed: dug or bored, driven, and drilled.

What are the three main types of wells that are constructed?

Bored, driven, and drilled.

Dug or bored wells

If the ground is soft and the water table is shallow, then dug wells can work. Historically, dug wells were excavated by hand shovel to below the water table until incoming water exceeded the ability of the digger to remove the water. The well was lined with stones, brick, tile, or other materials to prevent collapse, and was covered with a cap of wood, stone, or concrete. They cannot be dug much deeper than the water table. Dug and bored wells have a large diameter and expose a large area to the aquifer, making them subject to contamination from nearby surface sources, and they go dry during periods of drought if the water table drops below the well bottom. (USGS, 2018). Dug wells are shallow at approximately 10–30 feet (3-10 meters) deep (EPA, 2022).

Driven wells

Driven wells are built by driving a small-diameter pipe into soft earth, such as sand or gravel. A screen is usually attached to the bottom of the pipe to filter out sand and other particles (USGS, 2018). Driven wells are cased continuously and shallow (approximately 30–50 feet (10–15 meters) deep). Though driven wells are cased, they can be contaminated easily because they draw water from aquifers near the surface (EPA, 2022).

Drilled wells

Most modern wells are drilled, which requires a drill rig. Drill rigs are often mounted on big trucks. They use rotary drill bits that chew away at the rock, percussion bits that smash the rock, or, if the ground is soft, large auger bits. Drilled wells can be drilled more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) deep. Often a pump is placed in the well at some depth to push the water up to the surface (USGS, 2018). Drilled wells have a lower risk of contamination due to their depth and use of continuous casing (EPA, 2022).

Well inspections

Inspectors often inspect wells as part of an overall water system inspection. An inspection can take several hours or days to complete, depending on the complexity of the water system. Water systems should be inspected every 3–5 years while water quality should be tested by the well owner on a yearly basis.

Opening Conference

When the inspector arrives to conduct the routine inspection, the first step is to go over the water system records. This includes discussion and review of the following: distribution system plans and maps, routine operation and maintenance records, monitoring history, future monitoring plan, and operator certification credentials.

Field Inspection of Water System

After the water system records have been discussed and reviewed, the surveyor will then take a tour of the water system. The tour will include an inspection of the well, treatment equipment, pumps, controls, water storage, and distribution system. If necessary, the inspector will collect water samples to send off to the laboratory for testing.

Closing Conference

After completing the walkaround inspection, the inspector should meet with the water system owner and share the initial findings of the inspection.

Written Report

Upon concluding the water system inspection, the inspector completes a final report, and a copy will be provided to the owner or operator. Any deficiencies identified during the inspection will be explained within the report. Systems are then required to take corrective action within the agreed-upon time frame.

The report should include the following:

Examples of well issues

Well regulations are jurisdiction dependent, which means every city, county, state, or province may have their own regulations. Inspectors should learn and become familiar with the regulations in the area where they work. Below is a list of general well issues organized by specific categories.

Wellhead and casing

Well Cap
Accessibility and Housekeeping


Materials Storage

Location of Wells (Wells should not be located near the following)

Wellhead and casing, well cap, accessibility and housekeeping, pumps, materials storage, and location of wells.

Here is a photo of a well that is full of garbage and not well maintained.

A well that is full of garbage and not well maintained

Here are two examples of wells where the area around them is kept well maintained and clean.

A well that is in a clean and well maintained area.
A well that is in a clean and well maintained area.

Protocol for collecting water samples at wells

Each jurisdiction has their own requirements for collecting water samples. Below is an example protocol that may be used in many areas or areas where there aren’t regulations.

Selection of Water Source




CIESE. (2023). Biological Oxygen Demand. Retrieved Feb 4, 2023, from

Datastream. (2023). A monitors Guide to Water Quality - Dissolved. Retrieved Feb 3, 2023, from

Delzer, G.C., and McKenzie, S.W. (2003). Five-day biochemical oxygen demand: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations. ().USGS.

EPA. (2006). Voluntary Estuary Monitoring Manual- Chapter 14 Salinity. ().

EPA. (2022a). Indicators: Dissolved Oxygen. Retrieved Feb 3, 2022, from

EPA. (2022b). Secondary Drinking Water Standards: Guidance for Nuisance Chemicals. Retrieved Feb 3, 2023, from

EPA. (2023). National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. Retrieved Feb 03, 2023, from

International Association of Hydrogeologists.Groundwater – more about the hidden resource. Retrieved feb 08, 2023, from

Learn About Private Water Wells. Retrieved Feb 8, 2023, from


USGS. (2018). Groundwater Wells Retrieved Feb 8, 2023, from

USGS. (2019a). Domestic (Private) Supply Wells. Retrieved Feb 8, 2023, from

USGS. (2019b). Public Supply Wells. Retrieved Feb 8 2023, from

WHO. (2007). pH in Drinking-water -WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. ().




Information for regulators and water suppliers. ().

WHO. (2022). Guidelines for drinking-water quality. ().WHO.

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