Chapter 2: Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment

Vocabulary List

Case Example

Two brothers lived in a community with poor water quality. After doing some research, they decided to create a water bottling company to provide clean water to their community. They started by collecting water from a pipe that came out of the ground. At first, the water was stored in a large 200-gallon (800 liter) storage tank. Next, they ran the water through a prefilter to get rid of all the brown sediment. The water had a bad smell, so they purchased a carbon filter. Since the water came from a ground source it was also hard, so they ran it through a water softener. Finally, they ran it through a Ultraviolet device to make sure that any remaining pathogens were disinfected. At the end of this process, they were able to bottle clean safe water and sell it in the community.

Drinking water treatment can be an effective way to provide safe water to people in areas with poor water quality.


Drinking Water Treatment

Safe and readily available water is important for public health. In 2020, 5.8 billion people used safely managed drinking water services; 1.2 billion people had basic services; 282 million people had limited services, 368 million people took water from unprotected wells and springs; and 122 million people collected untreated surface water from lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams (WHO, 2022a). Improving the quality of drinking water resources can take many forms that include water purification, disinfection, filtration, and softening. No one form is sufficient for all water sources and many times it requires several forms working together to properly provide safe, clean water. However, cleaning water isn’t as simple as going to the store and purchasing a water filtration unit. It is necessary to test the water quality and know what is in the water before purchasing expensive equipment. The water treatment system that is used should be able to fix the specific problems that make the water unclean or unsuitable. This section will discuss the different treatment systems along with their uses, advantages, and drawbacks.



Boiling is simply heating water to 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius). Boiling kills or deactivates protozoan parasites, bacteria, or viruses and evaporates out volatile organic compounds (VOC). Even water as hot as 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) will kill the pathogens, but boiling is recommended because there is the visual cue of bubbling water to let you know that the water is hot enough. Boiling is good to use in emergency situations; for example, boiling will remove the oxygen, making the water taste flat. It is recommended to shake up boiled water to reoxygenate it before drinking. The drawbacks of boiling include the amount of fuel used to boil the water; boiling does not remove metals and some pesticides while concentrating them in the water. Boiling should not be used for routine purposes when possible and extremely dirty water should be pre-filtered before boiling.

The benefits of boiling water are that it kills or deactivates protozoan parasites, bacteria, and viruses, and evaporates out volatile organic compounds. The drawbacks is that it makes the water taste flat, uses a lot of fuel to boil the water, and does not remove metals and some pesticides.


Distillation is using a chamber that heats the contaminated water in one part and then catches and condenses the water vapor in another part. Anything that doesn’t vaporize is left behind. In the distillation unit below contaminated water is added to the chamber on the right. The round heating unit will heat the water until it vaporizes. The water vapor will move to the left chamber where it condensates and falls into the collection chamber. Heavy metals and salt that are in the water will not evaporate and will remain in the right chamber. Calcium and magnesium in the water will also remain in the right chamber. The heat in the right chamber will kill or deactivate the microbes or pathogens. The drawbacks of distillation are that it requires a lot of time and energy, and the calcium and magnesium will form scale that will build up on the heating unit. Distillation does not remove VOCs because they can evaporate with the water. Extremely dirty water should be pre-filtered before distillation.

A distillation unit with two chambers. The chamber on the right has contaminated water that is heated until it vaporizes. Pathogens are killed by the heat. Salts and heavy metals stay behind because they cannot evaporate. The calcium and magnesium form scale that builds up on the heating unit. VOCs and water droplets vaporize and are collected into the left chamber.


Sediment Filters

Sediment filters are ceramic, fiber, or synthetic and have specific size pores. As water passes through the pores, anything too large will be filtered out. Anything that is small enough will pass right through. They are often used as pre-filters to screen out sediment before other treatment processes.

Water passes through pores and anything too large is filtered out. They are often used as prefilters to screen out sediment before other treatment processes.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a process that uses membrane filters with a very small pore size. Under normal conditions, the concentration of substances in water like to disperse evenly in the water. When a membrane filter is put in place with pore sizes so small only water molecules can pass, the water through osmosis will pass through the membrane trying to even out the concentrations. RO occurs under pressure where the water is forced to cross the membrane in the opposite direction and the contaminate is concentrated. RO is good at removing contaminants larger than water such as fluorine, nitrates, sulfates, salt, large pathogens, and sediment. Some of the drawbacks include RO requiring energy and pressure to force water across the membranes, and membrane filters can break and need to be replaced. A lot of water is used up in the process.

Four containers. The first container is full of normal water, with evenly dispersed molecules. The second container has normal water at the bottom, and some contaminated water within a membrane filter with a semipermeable membrane. The molecules are closer in the contaminated water, making it more concentrated. The third container shows the process of osmosis, where water molecules have passed through the membrane, trying to even out the concentrations. The fourth container shows reverse osmosis, where pressure is put on the water, forcing the water molecules to cross the membrane, leaving behind a more concentrated contaminant in the filter.
A diagram of a membrane filter showing that the only molecules that are smaller than the pores are the water molecules. The molecules of fluorine, nitrates, sulfates, and sediment are all bigger than the pores.

Activated Carbon

Carbon filters are full of cleaned carbon beads that can accept organic materials such as VOCs. As the water passes through the filter, VOCs absorb to the charcoal and are taken out of the water. Carbon can also take pesticides and radon out of the water. Unfortunately, carbon filters can get filled up and need to be replaced. They should also have pre-filters in place because too much sediment can affect its ability to work properly. Carbon filters also will not remove microbes, pathogenic metals such as lead, iron, nitrates, or acidic water.

Activated carbon filters will take out VOCs, pesticides, and radon. Carbon filters will not remove microbes, pathogenic metals (lead, iron), nitrates, or acidic water.

Carbon filters. The first carbon filter has not filtered anything out yet and contains only charcoal. The second one shows pesticides, radon, and VOCs sticking to the charcoal, being filtered out. The third carbon filter has been used to filter out many VOCs, all sticking to the pieces of charcoal. The fourth filter has big pieces of sediment at the top of the filter and some VOCs sticking to the charcoal. The last carbon filter is shown to be unable to filter out microbes, lead, iron, nitrates, and acidic water.

Sand Filters

Sand filters use layers of sand to remove solid particles and certain pathogens from the water. Sand filters are often used with a layer of activated carbon to also remove VOCs. Sand filters struggle to remove viruses. They must have their sand replaced and have backwashing systems that require a lot of water. The backwash water must be treated or removed.



Chlorine is added to water in gas, liquid, or tablet form with the purpose of killing or inactivating microbes and pathogens. Drawbacks include that residual chlorine in the water can be harmful and the chlorine does not work effectively if there are a lot of suspended solids.

Can kill or inactivate microbes and pathogens. Drawbacks include residual chlorine left in water can be harmful and chlorine does not work effectively if there are a lot of suspended solids.

Ultraviolet Rays (UV)

Diagrams showing the effect of UV rays and Chlorine on microbes. Microbes are killed or rendered inactive then the UV rays can pass completely through the water. But if there is sediment in the water, it can block UV rays and allow some microbes to stay alive and active. Chlorine kills or inactivates microbes in the water. But if there is sediment in the water, this can make the chlorine less effective and leave some microbes alive and active.

Water is passed through a clear chamber where it is exposed to UV rays and the pathogenic organisms and microbes are killed or rendered inactive. It is a rapid process that leaves no bad odors, tastes, or harmful byproducts. It does, however, require electricity to produce UV rays, it does not affect metals and other chemicals and the water needs to be prefiltered because sediment can prevent the UV rays from passing through the water.


Ozone can be generated and mixed into the water source. It can oxidize bacteria, mold, and viruses and can break down some VOCs while leaving no taste or odor in the water. However, generating ozone requires electricity, does not remove dissolved materials or salts, can create harmful byproducts, and must be uniformly mixed into the water in order to be fully effective.

Water Softeners

Zeolite or Synthetic Resins

The goal of water softening is to take the magnesium and calcium ions out of the hard water. The zeolite or synthetic resins function based on ion exchange. The resin beads are full of sodium. As the hard water passes the resins it will trade its calcium and magnesium ions for sodium. Eventually, the resins will be full of calcium and magnesium, and they will need to be regenerated with sodium. A brine solution is then backflushed through the resin beads to regenerate them and to flush out the calcium and magnesium. Water softening does not remove nitrates, bacteria, viruses, cysts, or organic substances. Lots of water is backwashed to regenerate the resins and the remaining salty brine is discharged into the environment.

Shows the process of water softening using resin beads. The resin beads start full of sodium. As hard water, full of calcium and magnesium, passes by the resin beads, it trades calcium and magnesium ions for sodium. Then the resin beads become full of calcium and magnesium and they need to be regenerated. This is done by backflushing a sodium-filled brine solution through the beads.

Manual softeners

In cases where there is no water softener available, it is possible to manually soften water by mixing in lime, Borax, or sodium triphosphate. It is good for small-scale projects and does not require electricity or regeneration. However, it must be added to water for every use, and it can irritate your skin.


Desalinization is a special type of water treatment that specifically removes salt from water. Two methods, distillation and RO, have already been described. Two other methods of desalination include electrodialysis and chemical ion exchange.


Electrodialysis uses a series of membranes and a current of electricity to remove salt from the water. As saltwater passes through a chamber with a positive anode and a negative cathode, an electrical current is activated, the sodium chloride (NaCl), which is salt, will be split and the anode will attract the negative charged chlorine ion (Cl-). The cathode will attract the positive sodium ion (Na+). This process by itself would not last long because the anode and cathodes would fill with Na+ and Cl-. Two types of membranes are added to the chamber, one is a positive membrane that allows the Cl- to pass but will repel the Na+. The other membrane is negative and will allow the Na+ to pass and will repel the Cl-. If three sets of each membrane are placed in alternating order in the chamber as shown in the pictures below, then the system will be ready. When the electrical current is activated, the salt in the saltwater influent will be split. The Cl- from the first influent will cross the positive membrane on its way to the anode but will be stopped by a negative membrane and then will be removed as effluent. The Na+ from the first influent will pass through the negative membrane and be stopped by the positive membrane. This leaves clean water in the influent channel. The second influent channel reacts in a similar way, also retaining clean water while removing Na+ in the effluent channel and Cl­- through the concentrate channel. The cost of electricity and the membranes limits the use of electrodialysis.

A diagram of electrodialysis. Shows a chamber with a positive anode which attracts negative charged chlorine, and a negative cathode which attracts positive charged sodium, splitting salt into the separate ions. Shows that positive membranes will allow chlorine to pass while repelling sodium, and negative membranes will allow sodium to pass while repelling chlorine. If three alternating sets of the membranes are put into the chamber with an anode side and a cathode side, it can be used to create clean water. When the electrical current is activated, the salt in the saltwater influent will be split. The Cl- from the first influent will cross the positive membrane on its way to the anode but will be stopped by a negative membrane and then will be removed as effluent. The Na+ from the first influent will pass through the negative membrane and be stopped by the positive membrane. This leaves clean water in the influent channel. The second influent channel reacts in a similar way, also retaining clean water while removing Na+ in the effluent channel and Cl­- through the concentrate channel.

Chemical Ion exchange

Like water softeners, the water is passed through resins and ions exchange places to remove the salt from the water. This is a two-stage process. In the first stage, the sodium chloride (NaCl) crosses through an acidic resin. The acidic resin will give up a hydrogen ion (H+) for a Na+ ion. The result is hydrogen chloride (HCl). In the second stage, the HCl is based through a basic resin where hydroxide ions (OH-) are exchanged for Cl- ions. The H+ joins with the OH- to create HOH or H2O which is pure water.

A diagram of chemical ion exchange. It has two stages. In the first stage, salt (sodium chloride) passes through acidic resin, which trades a hydrogen ion for the sodium ion. The result is hydrogen chloride. In the second stage, the hydrogen chloride passes through basic resin, which trades hydroxide ions for the chlorine ions, resulting in pure water.

Wastewater Treatment

Case Example

Jaclyn is the mother of three children; they live in a mobile home trailer. Their trailer is not hooked up to the city sewer system. They could not afford to build a septic system to treat their sewage, so they connected a pipe that took their sewage away from the trailer but deposited it on the ground about twenty feet away. Although they dug a shallow pit for the sewage, the pit quickly filled up. The ground was made up of a thin layer of topsoil on top of a deep layer of clay, so water was slow to percolate into the ground. One day they received unexpected heavy rains and sewage from their pit flowed back through the pipes into their toilet and sinks. The sewage also spread across the backyard where it created puddles of wastewater. While Jaclyn tried to clean up the mess inside the trailer her children went outside to play. Three to four days later, all three children complained about itching feet and discovered a small rash. A week later, it turned into a series of red tracks winding around the feet. The children were taken to the doctor who diagnosed them with Hookworm infection.

Improper treatment of human waste is a public health concern and can lead to serious illness. Proper disposal of sewage can help prevent those types of illnesses.


Wastewater Treatment

Human waste has been an issue since the time Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. Improperly managed waste can lead to the spread of illness. This idea was made known during the time of Moses. Moses led thousands of Israelites out of Egypt into the desert. While they traveled in the wilderness, Moses received revelations on how to direct, protect, and govern the people. One such revelation that he received is found in Deuteronomy 23:12-13.

12. Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad:

13 And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee.

The first rule was that people shouldn’t go to the bathroom wherever they wanted but that there should be a designated place that was outside the camp. If they were allowed to go wherever they desired, the camp would soon fill with human sewage and illness and sickness would spread through the people. It could be dangerous outside of camp so the next rule was that when they left camp, they should carry a weapon. Since the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, they probably didn’t have fine weapons like swords and shields, they probably had long sticks and staffs. So, when the rule said put a paddle on thy weapon it essentially turned it into a shovel. Next the scripture says “when thou wilt ease yourself abroad” (go to the bathroom), dig a hole for the waste and cover the hole up. Without a proper waste system to deal with human sewage, their best practice was to bury it in a hole. Even today, in parts of the world where there isn’t proper sewage treatment, the best practice remains to bury it in a hole.

Over the centuries, the management of human waste has progressed significantly from a hole in the ground. The main two ways to manage human waste consist of the use of septic systems or the use of designed sewage systems with sewage treatment facilities.

Septic Systems

Septic systems are onsite sewage treatment systems that can be used at houses or buildings not hooked up to an existing sewage system. They are made of a septic tank which is placed in the ground and a series of pipes called a drainage system.

A septic tank with two settling chambers that allow heavy solids to sink to the bottom. There is a divider and baffle between the two settling chambers. The chamber on the inlet side is bigger than the one on the outlet side.

Septic tanks come in a variety of sizes and designs depending on the soil composition and size of the home or building. Septic tanks have an inlet where wastewater from a building enters the tank, wastewater flows into a settling chamber where light materials float to the top and heavy materials sink to the bottom. Sometimes the tank will have multiple settling chambers. Once the waste is in the tank, intestinal bacteria will begin to consume the solids. If the bacteria are aerobic (use oxygen) then the process will have significantly less odor. If the bacteria are anaerobic (does not need oxygen) then there will be a very strong odor. Some septic systems have aeration systems in them to keep the water oxygenated to reduce the odor. The outlet of the septic system guides the water out to the drainage system. Even with bacteria breaking down the solids, the bacteria cannot consume all the solids and the septic tank will fill up. In this case, owners of the septic system must get the tank pumped out. Under normal conditions, it may take 3–5 years to fill up. If there are fewer people in the building than are designed for the septic system, it may take 6–10 years to fill. If there are more people than it is designed for, it could fill in 1–2 years. A tank can also become overwhelmed if there is a party or event when the number of people in attendance greatly exceeds the design.

Drainage System

Drainage systems, also known as absorption fields, are a series of perforated pipes that allows water to flow into the soil. The pipe is called a lateral and it is laid in trenches. The amount of pipe in the field and each lateral is dependent on the capacity of the building. There are different ways to design the laterals, but they should not be more than 76 feet long and should be separated by at least six feet.

A diagram of a lateral trench. It is 24 to 30 inches deep and 12 to 24 inches wide. The pipe is suspended 6 inches above the bottom of the trench and is surrounded by cleaned stone or washed gravel with a depth of 18 inches. On top of this is a layer of straw, pea gravel, and geotextile fabric, then filled up to the top of the trench with backfill. Another diagram of 3 different absorption fields. One branches downward in four trenches extending from the Dist. box, at least 6 feet away from each other. The next has six trenches extending sideways on both sides from the Dist. box. The last has 3 trenches that connect in a rounded rectangular shape extending directly from the septic tank.

Soil Testing

Before a septic system is constructed, the soil should be tested to assure that the soil can support a system. If the soil is mostly clay, the water will percolate slowly and could back up. If the soil is mostly sand, the water could flow too fast and possibly contaminate the groundwater. Each jurisdiction decides what type of soil testing will be required before approving a septic system. One type of soil test is called a percolation test (perc test). Perc test requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Perc testing protocol

1. Dig a hole about two feet deep and one foot wide.

2. Put about two inches of pea gravel in the bottom of the hole.

3. Fill the hole with water and let it sit for at least four hours.

4. Maintain water in the hole to assure the soil gets saturated with water.

5. Place a board over the hole and mark the board where the measuring

stick will be placed.

6. Put the yardstick or meter stick in the water. Line it up with the marks on

the board and make sure it extends into the water but does not touch the


7. Measure the water level on the measuring stick.

8. Wait 2–30 minutes and take another reading to see how far the water has


9. Continue this process until five measurements are taken.

10. Average the five drop measurements and this will be your perc test result.

11. Compare the results to the jurisdiction's standards. A good range of

results would be between six minutes per inch and 60 minutes per inch.

A diagram of a percolation test. The hole in the ground is about 24 to 30 inches deep and 6 to 12 inches wide at the bottom. There is 2 inches of pea gravel in the bottom, with 6 inches of water above that. There is a 2 by 4 board across the top of the hole. When measuring the water level, the measuring tool is lined up with marks on the 2 by 4 board. The measuring tool doesn’t touch the bottom.

Percolation test calculations

Once the percolation test readings are collected, the result must be calculated. The time in minutes is placed over the amount of drop in inches. The calculation can be done using fractions of an inch or by changing the fraction to a decimal as shown in the two examples below.

The water level drop was measured at 5/8 inch over a 30-minute period.

Calculation of percolation test results using an equation. When the water level drop measures ⅝ of an inch over a 30 minute period of time, the equation is either 30/ ⅝ = 30* ⅝ = 48 MPI or 30/ ⅝ =30/ 0.625 = 48 MPI.

The water level drop was measured at 1 1/2 inches over a 10-minute period.

Calculation of percolation test results using an equation. When the water level drop measures 1 ½ inches over a 10 minute period of time, the equation is either 10/ 2 ½ = 10/ 5/2 = 10* ⅖ = 4 MPI or 10/ 2 ½ = 10/ 2.5 = 4 MPI.

In some jurisdictions, instead of perc tests an inspector can conduct a visual hole inspection and ribbon test. Under this type of testing, a ramped hole about six to eight feet (two to three meters) deep is dug in the ground revealing the different soil strata. A trained inspector will visually inspect the strata and could collect soil samples to examine in the lab. An inspection conducting a ribbon test takes a handful of soil from the wall of the hole and tries to form a thin ribbon about two inches (five centimeters) long to see if it holds together. If it stays together, it indicates that the soil has high clay content and water may not properly percolate through it.

Designing a drainage field

Once the lot passes a soil test and is deemed adequate to support a septic system, a drainage field must be designed. Although each jurisdiction might have their own tables and requirements, the following steps will use an example to walk through the calculation of a drainage field.

The planned size of the residence is 2100 square feet and will have three bedrooms.

The yard is small so three-foot-wide laterals will be used.

The perc test results were: 24 mpi, 27 mpi, 26mpi, 29 mpi, 27 mpi

Step 1. Average the perc results.

Sum of 24 + 27 + 26 + 29 + 27 = 133

133/5 = 26.6 mpi

Step 2. Did the perc test pass?

The result of 26.6mpi is between 6mpi and 60mpi

Yes, the perc test passed.

Step 3. Determine the type of residence.

Take the square footage of the residence and divide by the number of bedrooms.

Compare your result to the following table to determine residence type.

The total floor area of the residence divided by the number of bedrooms, by type of residence. Type one is greater than 800 square feet per bedroom. Type two is 500 to 800 square feet per bedroom. Type three is less than 500 square feet per bedroom.

2100ft2/3bd = 700ft2/bd

700 ft2/bd is between 500 and 800, therefore it is a Type II house.

Step 4. Calculate the estimated water flow per day.

Use the chart below and plug in the number of bedrooms and type of residence.

The estimated sewage flow in gallons per day using number of bedrooms and type of residence. For 2 bedrooms, type 1 is 300 gallons per day, type 2 is 225 gallons per day, and type 3 is 180 gallons per day. For 3 bedrooms, type 1 is 450 gallons per day, type 2 is 300 gallons per day, and type 3 is 218 gallons per day. For 4 bedrooms, type 1 is 600 gallons per day, type 2 is 375 gallons per day, and type 3 is 256 gallons per day. For 5 bedrooms, type 1 is 750 gallons per day, type 2 is 450 gallons per day, and type 3 is 294 gallons per day. For 6 bedrooms, type 1 is 900 gallons per day, type 2 is 525 gallons per day, and type 3 is 332 gallons per day. For 7 bedrooms, type 1 is 1050 gallons per day, type 2 is 600 gallons per day, and type 3 is 370 gallons per day. For 8 bedrooms, type 1 is 1200 gallons per day, type 2 is 675 gallons per day, and type 3 is 408 gallons per day. For any number of bedrooms, type 4 is 60 percent of values in other column.

Three bedrooms and a Type II house = 300 gallons per day

Step 5. Find your Multiplier.

Use your perc result and plug it into the chart below.

A chart showing the soil treatment area in square feet per gallon of waste per day based on a perc test result in minutes per inch. For a perc rate of faster than 0.1 minutes per inch, it is too coarse to measure. For a perc rate of 0.1 to 5, it is 0.83. For a perc rate of 6 to 15, it is 1.27. For a perc rate of 16 to 30, it is 1.67. For a perc rate of 31 to 45, it is 2. For a perc rate of 46 to 60, it is 2.20. And for a perc rate of slower than 60 minutes per inch, it is too fine to measure.

26.6 mpi = a multiplier of 1.67ft2/gallon

Step 6. Calculate the area of the drainage system needed for the residence.

Take the Multiplier from Step 5 and multiply by the estimated water flow per

Day from Step 4.

1.67ft2/g X 300 g =501ft2 total drainage area

Step 7. Choose the width of your lateral.

If you have a large lot, choose two-foot-wide laterals.

If you have a small lot, choose three-foot-wide laterals.

Because the lot is small, three-foot-wide laterals were chosen.

Step 8. Calculate how many linear feet of laterals you need.

Take the total drainage area and divide by the width of the laterals.

501ft2 drainage area, laterals 3 feet wide

501ft2/3ft = 167 linear feet of laterals

Step 9. Calculate how many laterals are needed.

No laterals should be over 75 ft long

Divide your linear feet of laterals from Step 8 by 75 and round up

167ft/75ft = 2.226, round up to three Lateral Needed

Step 10. Calculate the actual length of laterals.

Take linear feet of laterals from Step 8 and divide by number of laterals from Step 9.

167ft/3ft = 55.6 feet per lateral

10. Draw a schematic of your drainage field.

A diagram of a septic tank with three laterals, each 3 feet in width and 6 feet away from each other.

Sewer Treatment Systems

Most cities will have dedicated treatment facilities that treat all the human waste (sewage) from the community. The sewer system connects at each residence and the sewage flows through pipes or canals until it reaches the treatment facility. At the facility, the sewage will undergo at least primary and secondary treatment and, in some cases, tertiary treatment. Each sewage or wastewater treatment facility is designed differently but most of them have similar treatment methods.

Primary Treatment

The initial stage of domestic wastewater is known as primary treatment. Coarse solids, floating material, and material that easily settles out are removed from the wastewater (EPA, 2004). Most primary treatments are considered physical as they physically remove the solids from the wastewater. Examples of primary treatment include bar/barrel screens, grit chambers, screws, and primary settling tanks.


Screens filter out large objects, such as rags, dental floss, plastics, coins, sticks and other objects people flush down toilets. Barrel screens are perforated barrels. The water passes through the perforations and the larger objects are collected in the barrel. The barrel is always rotating so those objects will rotate with the barrel until gravity forces them to fall into a collection device. Most collection devices have an auger of some type to remove those items.

Grit chambers

After the wastewater has been screened, it may flow into a grit chamber where sand, grit, cinders, and small stones settle to the bottom. The grit and screenings removed by these processes must be periodically collected and trucked to a landfill for disposal or incineration (EPA, 2004).

Primary settling tanks

With the screening completed and the grit removed, wastewater still contains dissolved organic and inorganic constituents along with suspended solids (EPA, 2004). The wastewater that enters a settling tank will have a short time for heavy solids to settle to the bottom for removal and light substances such as grease and materials to float to the top where they can be skimmed off.

Secondary Treatment

After the wastewater has been through Primary Treatment processes, it flows into the next stage of treatment called secondary. Secondary treatment processes use bacteria to consume the organic matter and remaining suspended solids in wastewater and can remove up to 90 percent of the organic matter in wastewater (EPA, 2004). Examples of secondary treatment include trickling filters, activated sludge, aeration tanks, oxidation ponds, and secondary clarifiers.

Bacteria is used to consume organic matter and remaining suspended solids in wastewater.

Trickling filters

A trickling filter is a bed of rocks or plastic through which the wastewater passes. Newer facilities may use beds made of plastic balls, interlocking sheets of corrugated plastic, or other types of synthetic media. The media ranges from three to six feet (one to two meters) deep and allows large numbers of microorganisms to attach and grow. Bacteria, algae, fungi, and other microorganisms grow and multiply, forming a microbial growth or slime layer on the media. In the treatment process, the bacteria use oxygen from the air and consume most of the organic matter in the wastewater as food (EPA, 2004).

Activated sludge and aeration tanks

Activated sludge is a process for removing organic matter from sewage by saturating it with air and microorganisms that can break down the organic matter. An adequate supply of oxygen is necessary for the activated sludge process to be effective. The oxygen is generally supplied by mixing air with sewage and biologically active solids in aeration tanks (EPA, 2004). The air is often forced in at the bottom of the tank bubbling up through the activated sludge and wastewater.

Oxidation ponds

Oxidation ponds, stabilization ponds, and sometimes lagoons are scientifically constructed shallow ponds that allow sunlight, algae, bacteria, and oxygen to interact. Biological and physical treatment processes occur in the lagoon to break down organic matter and improve water quality (EPA, 2004).

Secondary clarifiers

During the last step of secondary treatment, wastewater flows to a secondary clarifier or sedimentation tank. Like a primary settling tank, heavy solids settle to the bottom where they are scraped off and removed while light substances on top are skimmed off. After water leaves the clarifier, it is generally ready to enter a river.

Tertiary Treatment

After the water leaves secondary treatment, either by choice or jurisdictional requirement, it may proceed to tertiary treatment. Examples of tertiary treatment are disinfection and further filtering.

Treatment that involved disinfection and further filtering.


Disinfection means killing or inactivating pathogenic microorganisms that remain in the water. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant, but ozone and ultraviolet radiation are also frequently used for wastewater effluent disinfection (EPA, 2004). Chlorine kills microorganisms by destroying cellular material. This chemical can be applied to wastewater as a gas, a liquid, or in a solid form. However, any unused chlorine remaining in the water, even at low concentrations, is highly toxic to aquatic life (EPA, 2004). Facilities can add a chemical to dechlorinate the water, but it takes time, so the water is sent through a chlorine maze until the chlorine is no longer active. Ozone is produced from oxygen that is exposed to a high-voltage current. Ozone is very effective at destroying viruses and bacteria and decomposes back to oxygen rapidly without leaving harmful by-products. Ozone is not very economical due to high energy costs. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection occurs when UV in the form of light penetrates the cell wall of exposed microorganisms. The UV radiation retards the ability of microorganisms to survive by damaging their genetic material. UV disinfection is a physical treatment process that leaves no chemical traces (EPA, 2004).

Further filtering

Water can also be passed through an activated carbon filter or reverse osmosis system. Wastewater passing through a bed or canister of activated carbon can remove more than 98 percent of the trace organic substances still in the water. Water can also be forced through the tiny pores of membrane filters in a process called reverse osmosis. This removes anything left in the water larger than the pores.

Sludge Treatment

Water treatment is not the only process going on at a wastewater treatment facility. While a lot of sludge can be present through many of the treatments, some sludge is removed. There are many ways to treat sludge. One way is sending it through a digester that uses bacteria to break it down. Before sludge from the digester can be removed from the facility it must be de-watered. De-watering can be done through gravity belt thickeners, centrifuges, and presses. Sometimes, a polymer is added to speed up the process. After de-watering, the sludge is transported to drying beds where any remaining water can evaporate. Eventually, the sludge will turn into a nutrient-rich compound that can be used as fertilizer or fill for landfills.

Additional Resources

How to Create a Flow Chart

This week, in the virtual lab, you will need to create a flow chart. The following videos are directions on how to create flow charts within MS Word and Google Docs.

How to create Flow Charts in MS Word: How to Create a Flowchart in Word

How to create flow charts in Google Docs: Create a flowchart in Google Docs & Drive


EPA. (2004). Primer for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems. Retrieved Feb 8, 2023, from

WHO. (2022a). Drinking-water. Retrieved Feb 4, 2023, from

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