Chapter 2 Preparation: Well Inspection

Now that you have read about the process of inspecting wells, use the following pictures to practice. Look for details in each picture that highlight issues that an inspector would need to catch. After you have noted all the issues you can find, click the box under the picture to see what issues a professional inspector found.

Some grey pipe with white couplers on it.

Between the two white couplers is some grey pipe. This material is electrical conduit which is not drinking water material. All pipes that transport water should be of potable water usage.

A well casing wrapped in layers of tape, surrounded by tall grass.

The area around the well casing has tall grass which can be a breeding ground for rodents or other animals that can contaminate the area.

A well casing with a broken well cap.

This well cap is broken which can lead to contamination entering the well casing.

A man easily lifting a loose well cap off of the well casing.

The well cap should be securely sealed to the well casing. Contamination can enter when the cap is loose.

A well casing with a loose cap next to a roadway.

This well is close to a roadway. Having a well this close to the road can cause concerns for hitting the well with a vehicle or having runoff from the vehicles enter the well.

Also, the cap is loose, which is an entry point for contamination to enter.

A slightly rusty storage tank with a leak, causing some moss to grow on the side of the tank.

This storage tank is leaking and allowing moss to grow on the side of it. Also, this tank is old and beginning to rust which can lead to the tank malfunctioning or breaking in the future.

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