History of Psychology Timeline: 1400 to 1800 ad


The Renaissance

The Enlightenment

  • 1419 -- Hussite religious uprisings in Bohemia presage the reformation
  • 1429 -- the Siege of Orléans (led by Jeanne d’Arc) turns the tide for France
  • 1453 -- the 100 Years War ends; France becomes a nation at last
  • 1453 -- Constantinople falls to the Turks
  • 1455-1485 -- the Wars of the Roses in England; Lancaster eventually wins over York
  • 1479 -- the union of Castile and Aragon (Ferdinand and Isabela)
  • 1481 -- the renewal of the Inquisition in Spain (Torquemada)
  • 1492 -- the conquest of Granada
  • 1492 -- Columbus establishes first Spanish foothold in the Americas

  • 1517 -- Luther posts his 95 Theses against the Church
  • 1525 -- the Great Peasant War: first Protestant rebellion in Germany
  • 1533 -- Ivan the Terrible consolidates Russia
  • 1534 -- establishment of Anglican Church (Henry VIII)
  • 1562-1598 -- the Huguenot religious wars in France
  • 1572 -- the Massacre of St. Bartholomew (20,000 Huguenots killed)
  • 1568-1648 -- the Dutch War of Independence from Spain
  • 1588 -- the destruction of Spain’s Great Armada
  • 1598 -- the Edict of Nantes ends the Huguenot wars: tolerance in France
  • 1618-1648 -- the 30 Years War: Protestant and Catholic states vie for control of Germany
  • 1648 -- the Peace of the Hague ends Dutch War of Independence
  • 1648 -- the Peace of Westphalia ends 30 Years War (1/3 of German population dead)
  • 1642-1648 -- the English Civil War
  • 1649 -- English confiscation of all Irish landed property
  • 1649-1660 -- the English Commonwealth
  • 1683 -- the Siege of Vienna: beginning of the end of the Ottoman threat to Europe
  • 1685 -- the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: 1/2 million Huguenots flee France
  • 1688 -- the bloodless "Glorious Revolution" in England establishes a constitutional monarchy
  • 1689 -- the Declaration of Rights
  • 1701-1713 -- War of the Spanish Succession: France against all for power over Spain (the first "world" war)
  • 1707 -- the union of Scotland and England into the United Kingdom
  • 1713 -- the Peace of Utrecht: "the Grand Alliance" picks apart Spanish holdings in Europe
  • 1756-1763 -- the Seven Years War: Great Britain and Prussia against France, Austria, and Russia (includes the French and Indian War in North America)
  • 1763 -- the Peace of Hubertusburg: Prussia comes into its own
  • 1772-1795 -- the partition of Poland (between Prussia, Russia, and Austria)
  • 1776 -- British colonials declare independence: the American Revolution
  • 1789-1792 -- the French Revolution
  • 1793-1794 -- the Reign of Terror in France; the guillotine gets heavy use
  • 1799-1815 -- the Napoleonic Wars: France against all

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