Wilhelm Wundt and William James

Dr. C. George Boeree

In Ukrainian: Вільгельм Вундт і Уільям Джеймс (translated by Olena Chervona)

Wilhelm Wundt and William James are usually thought of as the fathers of psychology, as well as the founders of psychology’s first two great “schools.” Although they were very different men, there are some parallels: Their lives overlap, for example, with Wilhelm Wundt born in 1832 and dying in 1920, while William James was born ten years later and died ten years earlier. Both have claims to having established the first psychology lab in 1875. And neither named his school. As you will see, there are other commonalities as well, personal and philosophical.

I believe we haven't seen thinkers of their stature in psychology since.

Wilhelm WundtWilliam JamesStructuralism or VoluntarismFunctionalismCommonalitiesThe Stream of Consciousness

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