Part Two: The Rebirth

The Middle AgesThe Dark AgesThe UniversitiesThe Problem of UniversalsNominalismAbelardThe MoslemsSt. ThomasThe Beginning of the End of the Middle AgesHeloise's First Letter to AbelardHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1000 to 1400 adThe Beginnings of Modern PhilosophyHumanismThe ReformationScienceFrancis BaconGalileo GalileiRene DescartesEducationSelections from a letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615Selections from MeditationsQuotes from ComeniusHistory of Psychology Timeline: 1400 to 1800 adEpistemologyModern Philosophy: The EnlightenmentThomas HobbesBenedictus SpinozaJohn LockeGeorge BerkeleyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizPierre BayleAugust Comte’s Positivist CalendarSpinoza’s EmotionsMetaphysicsHume and KantDavid HumeImmanuel KantDeclaration of the Rights of ManSelection from A Vindication of the Rights of WomanEthicsTheological TheoriesMoral RelativismMoral realismOverlapping MoralitiesPart 2: Appendix

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