Part Four: The 1900s

Map and Timeline: The 1900sFreud and PsychoanalysisPrecursors of PsychoanalysisFranz Anton MesmerPhilippe PinelJean-Martin CharcotThe UnconsciousSigmund FreudCarl JungAlfred Adler"The Structure of the Unconscious"The Oedipus Complex RevisitedBehaviorismIvan PavlovEdward Lee ThorndikeJohn Broadus WatsonWilliam McDougallClark HullE. C. TolmanB. F. SkinnerWalden TwoThere Was a Child Went ForthGestalt PsychologyMax WertheimerWolfgang KöhlerKurt KoffkaThe TheoryKurt LewinKurt GoldsteinGestalt Psychology TodayThe Relation of the Organized Perceptual Field to BehaviorPhenomenological ExistentialismFranz BrentanoCarl StumpfEdmund HusserlPhenomenologyMartin HeideggerJean-Paul SartreA small piece from Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManRomance: A Partial AnalysisModern Medicine and PhysiologyTechnology and the brainThe psychopharmacological explosionGenetics and the human genomeA Brief History of the LobotomyPsychology: The Cognitive MovementNorbert WienerAlan M. TuringLudwig von BertalanffyNoam ChomskyJean PiagetDonald O. HebbGeorge A. MillerUlric NeisserConclusions?A Computer TimelineA. I. Gone Awry: The Futile Quest for Artificial IntelligencePsychology Today and TomorrowPart 4: Appendix

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