Part Three: The 1800s

History of Psychology Map and Timeline: The 1800sEarly Medicine and PhysiologyThe AncientsThe Rebirth of MedicineThe 1800'sHermann von HelmhotzThe Hippocratic OathA Modern Physicians OathPhrenology DiagramA Brief History of PsychopharmacologyThe Ancient WorldThe Middle AgesThe Age of ExplorationThe 1800sPsychedelic drugsDarwin and EvolutionCharles Robert DarwinAlfred Russel WallaceThomas Henry HuxleyHerbert SpencerA Selection from The Descent of ManPrimal Patterns of BehaviorJohn and MaryThe Komodo DragonSociobiologyRomanticismJean-Jacques RousseauJohann Wolfgang von GoetheArthur SchopenhauerSøren Aabye KierkegaardFriedrich Wilhelm NietzscheRomanticism in GeneralThe Quotable Friedrich NietzscheSelection from Thus Spake Zarathustra, part fourPsychology: The BeginningsJohn Stuart MillThomas BrownHermann EbbinghausPsychophysicsGustav FechnerSir Francis GaltonAlfred BinetHereditary Talent and CharacterHistory of StatisticsWilhelm Wundt and William JamesWilhelm WundtWilliam JamesStructuralism or VoluntarismFunctionalismCommonalitiesThe Stream of ConsciousnessFree WillAddendumPart 3: Appendix

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