W02 Assignment: Ten Qualities



“Know thyself.”  

 These words were inscribed on the Temple of Apollo in Ancient Greece, popularized by the philosopher Socrates. Finding out who you are, understanding yourself, and being aware of your strengths and weaknesses is one of the great tasks of life. 

Source: Wikipedia Commons

This week, explore how well you know yourself and use those close to you to help you. This assignment requires the help of others, so consider starting this assignment early. 


  1. Write ten qualities you feel describe you. (Fun, disorganized, goal-oriented, honorable, etc.) 
  2. Next, ask at least three people you feel know you well to write ten qualities each that they feel describe you. (There should be a total of thirty words combined between their three lists.) 
  3. Compare all the lists. Highlight similar qualities.  
  4. Reflect on what you learn about yourself, responding to the prompts below.
  5. Submit a Word document to the W02 Assignment: Ten Qualities assignment in Canvas. Please include the following:

Which qualities, if any, appear in more than one (including your own) list? (If none do, why do you think that is?) What do you learn about what others think of you from this?

How did the lists of others differ from who you think you are? How were they the same?  

How did you feel doing this assignment? What did you learn about the relationship about your self-esteem (how you feel about who you are) from this assignment?

Clear communication is important in this class. Please review your work before you turn it in for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and clarity. Do not use generative AI. This assignment is for you, about you. You don't need anyone else to write it for you. 



BROTHER: Christlike, good mom, entertaining, organized, weird, stubborn, friendly, forgiving, energetic, good conversationalist  

SPOUSE: Dedicated, motivated, Christlike, determined, organized, kind, dedicated, quirky, clean, outgoing

FRIEND: Funny, leader, Christlike, creative, generous, good dancer, organized, great singer, silly, happy

ME: Determined, motivated, goal-oriented, stubborn, organized, slow, shy, follower of Christ, stressed, funny


QUALITIES IN ALL LISTS: Christlike and organized

HOW I FELT: The people I asked to give lists for me know me well, but in different ways. I actually was surprised that everyone saw Christlike, because I value this trait very much and it pleases me that others see that, especially people I have served so much over the years. I also think they see that I am organized because I have to work hard to balance all areas of my life. They see qualities that I believe I am. 


DIFFERING PERCEPTIONS My lists from others called me "silly, weird, and quirky," which surprised me. I do not think of myself in any of these ways, but it might be because I know my motivations. It makes me wonder what I am doing to be seen this way. 

SIMILAR PERCEPTIONS  I also put organized on my life because it is a priority in my life. I put "follower of Christ" which is similar to "Christlike" because I am trying to be like Jesus. 


Conclusion 1) My list had many more negative qualities than anyone else had on their lists. I think this is because I am harder on myself than others. I focus on the mistakes I make, but these people I love focus on what I do well. 

Conclusion 2) I feel seen and loved by the people in my life. Often, I don't recognize my value. Knowing that these important people love me and see what I do for good really helped me. 

Bonus Assignment 

I read my Patriarchal Blessing, and I studied the topic "child of God" in the scriptures. From these, I learned that I am loved by my Heavenly Father, that I have great potential, and I can have more gifts than I have now. I feel peace in knowing that I am a work in progress, like an unfinished painting, that can be improved.   

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