Week 1: How Can We Feed a Growing World Population

Welcome to week one of the Sustaining Human Life Course where we embark on a journey to understand one of the most pressing challenges of our time: feeding and caring for a growing population. As we delve into this topic, we'll also explore the fundamental methods for accessing truth and evaluating complex questions.

1.1 Addressing Population Growth1.2 Revelation vs. Scientific Method1.2.1 Scientific Method1.2.2 Understanding the Scientific Process1.3 Social Media: The anti-scientific method?1.4 Evaluating Scientific Resources1.5 Climate, Weather, Soils and Stewardship1.6 Weather and climate1.7 Soils1.7.1 Soil Loss1.7.1.1 Urbanization at a closer look 1.8 Stewardship1.8.1 Water Conservation

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