
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT is a technique that psychologists use for people struggling with mental illness. It is a set of techniques that are used to lessen the effects or impact of mental health. It does not remove mental illness but it can make it more manageable. It is used mainly for Anxiety and Depression. However, it is not just for those mental health issues. It has also been seen to be effective for those struggling with Substance Abuse or other mental health issues such as Trauma, Stress, PTSD, etc. Using various strategies that target negative thought patterns, patients are taught to better fight their poor mental health.
Rough and Tumble Play (R&T Play)
It is dramatically developmentally important for fathers to play with their children in a rough and tumble manner. In doing this, fathers help their children develop emotionally and socially which positively affects children into their adult lives.
The Replication Crisis
The replication crisis is a phenomenon referring to the widespread failure of scientists to replicate the findings of previous studies. It is caused by a variety of factors, including poor study design, lack of transparency in data and methods, and publication bias. The crisis has led to calls for more rigorous standards in scientific research, including more transparency, greater use of pre-registration, and more emphasis on reproducibility.
The Statistics of Psychology
This portion of the textbook describes the basic statistical terms used in research. Included are definitions, examples, and real life applications of each term intended to help those who read not only understand statistical terminology but better interpret data and research papers.
Social Media Impacts on Students/Children
Social media has a complex impact on students, with both positive and negative effects. Research suggests that excessive social media use can negatively affect academic performance, while positive use can enhance learning and collaboration. Additionally, social media use can impact students' mental health, with links to increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness, but also provides opportunities for self-expression, connection, and social activism.
Social Media Impact on Mental Health
The impacts, positive and negative, social media has on mental health and the importance it has in education.
Audience Capture
Audience capture, its dangers, and how it can be prevented
ACEs and PACEs
Validated by: (Lindsey Benham, Emily Vaden, Emma Vaden, Emma James, Emma Canann, Rebekah Black, Isabelle Roberts, Molly Fairbanks, Madison Giles)
Disclaimer: ChatGPT was used in creating this page.

Object Permanence

Validated by: Sophie Hansen 1/11/23, Emily Walton, Lahna McClaine 1/18/23, Emily Vaden 1/18/23, Emma James 1/18/23, Rebecca Marshall 1/18/23, Tegan Ross 1/19/23, Rebekah Black 1/25/2023

Disclosure: ChatGPT3 was used in the creation of this resource.

Effective Media Use
Because children mimic what they observe, it is crucial to understand the differences between good and bad media. Good media can help children understand concepts such as empathy, social skills, and critical thinking. Bad media, on the other hand, can damage attention span and promote inappropriate or aggressive behavior.
Peer Pressure/Conformity
Conformity and peer pressure are both forms of social influence, where an individual's thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the expectations and behaviors of others.

Validated by: Lauren Messenger, Lindsey Benham, Lahna McClaine, Madison Giles, Rebekah, Macey Mattson, Ashlyn Barnes

Disclosure: ChatGPT3 and Consensus.app were used in the creation of this resource.

Personality Change
Personality Change is the process of altering one's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This article goes over the different therapies for personality change, different causes of personality change, as well as how it can connect with the classroom.
Self Actualization
This abstract describes the concept of belonging and its importance in the classroom setting. The author explains that belonging refers to the sense of connection and identification an individual feels with a group or community and highlights the positive effects of feeling a sense of belonging on mental and physical health, self-concept, and purpose. The author goes on to explain how belonging in a classroom setting can lead to increased engagement, participation, and positive relationships among students and teachers, as well as improved academic performance and mental and emotional well-being. The author also notes that a sense of belonging in the classroom can foster a sense of community and mutual respect among students, leading to a more harmonious and productive learning environment.
Cues are found all around us that can influence an individual’s behavior or cognition. The study of cues in psychology is an important area of research in psychology because it helps to understand how people process and respond to information in the environment around them. This article explains what cues are and how they affect us.
Active Listening

Validated by: ( Emily Walton Jan 25, April Greenwood Jan 25, Tegan Ross 2/4/23 )

Disclosure: ChatGPT3 was used in creating this page

Stimulus and Response
Stimuli are anything that can trigger a response or reaction.
Stimulus and Response
Stimulus: any object, circumstance, or event that can trigger a sensory or behavioral response in an organism. A light switching on or the sound of a bell are two examples of external stimuli. Response: an organism’s sensory or behavioral reaction to outward influences or stimuli.
Stimulus and Response; Conditioning
Inside the human mind, new connections form every day. Sometimes those connections form as a result of exterior influences, or stimuli. The resulting reaction of any stimulus is a response. When stimuli and responses are changed deliberately, it is called conditioning.
Metacognition is awareness of and active control over a thought process. Metacognition can occur in several instances including, but not limited to, decision making, learning, and problem solving. Any strategy used to implement metacognition in an educational setting to enhance deep learning is called a cognitive strategy instruction.
Metacognition occurs when a person is aware of and controls a thought process and deliberately. For metacognition to happen self-awareness and inhibitory control must first be present. These skills are crucial to any learner who wants lifelong success. Children observed to have strong metacognitive skills grew to have more success in their careers, education, and health then peers who demonstrated lass self-awareness or inhibitory control. There are many ways to implement metacognitive strategies into a learning environment. These strategies could include pre-assessments, self-evaluations, and introspective questions.
Transfer is the ability to apply prior knowledge, skills, and experiences to new situations or learning opportunities. Transfer occurs when past knowledge affects performance in a new situation, either positively or negatively.