School Culture Research

Moderate Concept Summary: School Culture Research

ED 304: Ed Psych and Human Development

Author: Kaleigh Le Vine

Validated by: Emily Walton 1/25, Rebecca Marshall 1/26/23, Isabelle Roberts 01/26/23, Tegan Ross 1/28/23, Madison Giles 2-2-23

Disclosure: ChatGPT3 was used in the creation of this resource.


Research on school culture and teacher connection has shown that a positive school culture and strong connections between teachers can significantly impact student achievement and well-being. Positive school culture is characterized by clear and shared values, high expectations for student success, leadership, and a focus on collaboration and mutual respect. Strong teacher connections, such as those formed through professional learning communities or shared leadership opportunities, can also support effective teaching practices and improve student outcomes.

Teacher connection:

Teacher connection is an important aspect of school culture research because it relates to how teachers interact and collaborate. Research has shown that when teachers have strong connections with one another, they are more likely to share ideas and resources, provide support and encouragement to one another, and collaborate to improve their teaching practices. This idea can lead to a more positive and effective teaching environment, which in turn can have a positive impact on student achievement and well-being. Additionally, strong teacher connections can also help to reduce teacher turnover, and absenteeism and improve overall job satisfaction among teachers.

Research on teacher connection has highlighted the importance of professional learning communities (PLCs) as a way to foster teacher connections. PLCs are groups of teachers who come together regularly to share their practice, reflect on their teaching, and work collaboratively to improve student learning. Additionally, shared leadership opportunities, such as leadership teams or teacher leadership roles, can also support the development of strong teacher connections.

Overall, school culture research suggests that a positive school culture is one where teachers feel valued and supported, and have opportunities for collaboration, professional growth, and shared leadership. By fostering these elements, schools can help to improve the connection between teachers, which can ultimately lead to improved student outcomes.

Quiz questions:

How can teachers foster a sense of community in their classrooms?

  1. Extra homework on weekends
  2. Get to know each student personally
  3. Implement a rewards system
  4. B and C

Which of the following is an important aspect of a positive school culture?

    1.  High academic standards
    2. Clear rules and consequences
    3. A focus on student individuality
    4. All of the above

    How can parents support a positive school culture?

    1. Attend school events
    2. Volunteer in the classroom
    3. Communicate with teachers
    4. All of the above

    References and further reading:

    Here are two references about school culture research

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