Dual Process Theory

Elephant & Rider and System I & System II

Dual Process Theory:

System I (the elephant) & System II (the rider)

Author: Kaleah Kunz

ED 304: Psych and Human Development

Picture of women riding an Elephant. Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-riding-on-black-elephant-during-daytime-xgrOnk_i7xE

Dual Process Theory

Dual Process Theory is the theory that our brains work via two distinct systems. These systems are known as System I and System II. System I is the emotional part of the brain, where the heart is used over the head, has a faster response to situations and is more intuitional. Examples of System I thinking are eating when we are hungry or sleeping when we are tired. It’s instinct. They are immediate intuitive responses to our wants or needs. System II is the rational part of the brain that is more deliberate, slow-thinking, and planned. It helps us think logically and solve problems calmly and rationally. Although System I is stronger than System II, System II can be maintained better. Examples of System II are finding a parking space or focusing on one person in a crowded room. We have to make a deliberate effort in these decisions.


Dual Process Theory - Elephant and Rider

The Elephant, The Rider and the Path - A Tale of Behavior Change - YouTube

Video: https://youtu.be/X9KP8uiGZTs?si=txPIVEkIZM5rSEKY 

Johnathan Haidt - Elephant and Rider

Johnathan Haidt, a psychologist from NYU, uses the elephant and the rider analogy to compare System I and System II. In this analogy, the rider is looking ahead and making rational decisions on where they want to go while trying to lead the elephant. However, the elephant is more automatic in its thinking. The elephant is the one that makes the ultimate decision because of the power it has over the rider. The rider can try to drag and pull the elephant, but it is up to the elephant to move.


Image result for system i and ii
Barth, 2023



The Elephant, the Rider, and You – Stef Frenzl -



Dual Processing Theory Quiz Questions

What is the definition of Dual Process Theory?

(Just the theory, not the elements in the theory)

The theory that our brain works via two distinct systems

The metaphorical Figure that represents system II

The metaphorical figure that represents system I

The system that acts second: rational, deliberate, and analytical system

Which of the following is an example of ‘the rider?’ 

Seeing the exam in front of her, Janessa feels anxiety because she struggles with exams. She then remebers exams that she has succeeded on, and also realized that she has studied hard for this one, and her anxiety. 

Darien begins talking policies, and becomes angry. 

While measuring dangerous chemicals in the lab, Breonna spills. Despite her anxiety, she calmly follows the procedures to cleaand report the spill, and no one is hurt. 

Alex meets Anna for the first time, and develops a strong first impression. 


What is a good summary of Haidt's elephant and rider?

As Lewis said, the answer to propoganda is to protect people from relying on emotion. 

The best solution to the head/heart dichotomy is to embrace heart. 

Elephant is heart, rider is head. It is possibel to carefully train the intutions - to make the elephant smarter, so to speak 

What is the name for the fact that we have two major processes - elephant and rider - in the brain?

The Circus Cognition Model 

Dual Process Theory 

The Jungle Jumble Theory

The Peanutt Butter Paradox



Select all the terms that refer to Haidt's "elephant" in the analogy


System I

System II





Dual Process Theory: A Simple Summary - The World of Work Project 





Twowp. (2021, July 30). Dual process theory: A simple summary. The World of Work Project. https://worldofwork.io/2019/07/dual-process-theory/

minutes, B. K. | 2, minute, M. R. | 1, & minutes, V. V. | 4. (n.d.). The Elephant, the rider, and the path to change in health care. The Elephant, The Rider, and the Path to Change in Health Care. https://accelerate.uofuhealth.utah.edu/leadership/bob-pendleton-on-the-elephant-the-rider-and-change-in-health-care

The Elephant, the rider and you: Stef Frenzl at TEDxMontlakeCut. YouTube. (2013, January 17). https://youtu.be/Nk8V-R1IFcU?si=nAjGq91tC1K8VaFv

The Elephant, the rider and the path - A tale of behavior change. YouTube. (2015a, April 2). https://youtu.be/X9KP8uiGZTs?si=qtNqSqkdfmDb5STE


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