
Author: Lauren Messenger & Leah Kelsey 


  • Proximity: describes the physical distance between teachers and students in instruction, and in the way classrooms are set up and structured. Teachers can use proximity to keep students engaged, which can lead to students feeling more connected and performing better.
  • Some ways proximity can be achieved are by making the classroom easy to move around in, and grouping students so they can be closer and work together.
  • Making sure students know that things do not belong on the floor can also help free space and make it an easy area to navigate.
  • When sitting down and giving instruction, teachers can use a desk that is closer to the students’ desks. This makes it easier for the teacher to be able to catch misbehaving students and help them pay attention.
  • When teachers who use proximity are not able to physically be near the students when giving instruction, they can make sure to use eye contact with the students frequently and celebrate on-task behavior when they see it. Asking students more specific questions is also helpful to make them feel close.



Quiz Questions

    Fill in the Blank: Proximity describes the _____ between teachers and ______ and the way classrooms are set up and structured.

    1. Distantness, students
    2. Nearness, students
    3. Nearness, parents
    4. Distantness, parents

    When a teacher is not able to use their body for proximity, what are other ways proximity can be achieved? Select all that apply.

    1. Asking students more specific questions
    2. Speaking louder
    3. Use frequent eye contact
    4. Celebrate on-task behavior

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