Screeners vs. diagnostics

Screeners are used to look for signs or symptoms of a possible sickness, disability, issue, etc. Screeners test many people in a population to find who needs deeper testing. It is a way to determine who is doing well and who needs extra help without using too many resources unnecessarily. Screeners can be used in many departments, such as medical, psychological, and educational.

Medical Screener: Behavior audiometry evaluation, prostate-specific antigen tests, and mammograms.

Psychological Screeners: Achievement tests, Aptitude Tests, and Thematic Apperception Tests.

Educational Screeners: General Outcome Measurement, Response to Intervention, and Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language.

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Diagnostics are tests used for a specific issue one person had the symptoms or signs for in a previous screener test. These tests are used to determine if the person's possible issue is genuinely affecting them and how best to combat it. These tests are also used in many fields similar to screener tests.

Medical Diagnostics: Blood pressure tests, CT scans, and biopsies. 

Psychological Diagnostics: Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, Likert Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory.

Educational Diagnostics:  Peabody Individual Achievement Test, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, and Diagnostic Assessments of Reading.

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Jeremy's class is being tested for reading disabilities. They each are asked to read aloud from a short story for two minutes the best they can. What kind of test is Jeremy's class taking? (Multiple Choice)

Screener test

A general test

Diagnostic test

Which of the following characterizes a diagnostic test? (SATA)

Tests for a specific issue

Is used for education purposes only

Determines if a group of people have a problem

Is used for one person


Edmentum. (2019, April 4). Special Education Screening: Assessments Educators Might Not (But Should) Be Familiar With. Edmentum. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from 

National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Diagnostic Tests. Medline Plus. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from 

University of Rochester Medical Center. (n.d.) Screening Tests for Common Diseases. University of Rochester Medical Center. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from,the%20risk%20for%20the%20disease

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