Psychomotor domain

Psychomotor domain

Psychomotor Domain

The psychomotor domain refers to the learning of physical skills and coordination using physical movements and the manipulation of objects. Elizabeth J. Simpson proposed seven levels of the psychomotor domain, ranging from simple movements to complex skills.

1) Perception: This level involves the use of reflexes or automatic responses to stimuli. Examples include blinking in response to a bright light or pulling your hand away from a hot stove.

2) Set: This level involves the learner showing their readiness to act upon a series of steps to achieve a desired result.

3) Guided Response: This level involves the use of imitation and trial and error to complete a task. Examples of guided responses include solving a math problem as demonstrated and following instructions to build a model airplane.

4) Mechanism: This level involves the learner showing intermediate proficiency and confidence in performing an act. An example of this is driving a car.

5) Complex Overt Response: This level involves the use of fine motor skills and precision to perform tasks without hesitation and requiring minimal energy. Examples include playing a musical instrument or performing surgery.

6) Adaptation: This level involves the ability to manipulate learned skills to adapt to a specific circumstance.

7) Origination: This level involves the creation of new movements or patterns in movements when completing a task. An example of this is creating new dance steps for a performance.

The psychomotor domain is important for a variety of occupations and activities, including athletics, performing arts, manual trades, and everyday tasks. The development of psychomotor skills can be facilitated through practice, repetition, and feedback.

Quiz Questions

1) Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of the psychomotor domain?

  1. A. Set
  2. B. Mechanism
  3. C. Reflection
  4. D. Adaptation

2) The development of psychomotor skills can be facilitated through which of the following?

  1. A. Practice and repetition
  2. B. Feedback and guidance
  3. c. The use of multimedia resources
  4. D. All of the above


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